“When it enters, in a few years, the sign of Aquarius, psychologists will have extra work to do, and the psychic idiosyncrasies of humanity will enter into a great change.” - H.P. Blavatsky"

"There are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one Platonic Month(Astrological Age) and at the beginning of another" - Carl Jung

The soul needs an outer drama that can help awaken & pull into conscious awareness the inner myth & seeded story it carries within" -M Meade

"Forms are the symbols of formless divine principles; symbolism is the language of nature."- Manly P. Hall

"Every visible object, every abstract thought, every emotional reaction is but the symbol of an eternal principle.""-Manly P. Hall

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Updated with Bandwith!: My-Self Interviewed on Sounds from Sherwood Podcast : A Conspiracy of All Things

Hello Family! Heres a link to my first Podcast Interview Ever!

A Conspiracy of All Things (That's Alright Brother That's Just Coincidence)

I hope you enjoy! Im really happy with it and Will Morgan of a Few Shots to Shaman did a lovely job interviewing and mixing it up and putting together some great artwork! Thanks to Will, the Synch Whole, and the Sounds From Sherwood Podcast. I'll definatly be posting the rest of these great podcasts as they come along. I linked to some videos below here Be very well all!

If the above link is down, check these links here below and click play full song. ALSO! scroll down for videos that pertain to themes mentioned in the Interview, I also reccomend if your interested checking out my Vimeo and Youtube videos if youd like to explore the themes aforementioned.

A Conspiracy of All Things pt1 -

and Part Two is here

A Conspiracy of All Things pt2 -

I also just spent an amazing night at Alex Greys new COSM gallery and property up here in UPstate New York under a beutiful full moon. This evening was absolutely Transformative for me, I was able to meet Alex and gift him a lovely organic raw coconut shake from where I work and listen to his true words of wisdom spoken from his highest heart. Amazingly During this Ceremony Alex decided to share a new Vision he had received, this was of a Green Jesus holding the Earth in a Vesica Pisces/Eye over his Heart, and around the Earth was a protective RAINBOW!. If your not familiar with his work please visit http://www.Cosm.org . Later in the night I was blessed to meet a beutiful 3 year old boy, his name was SIRIUS and his middle name was BLUE as Sirius is the Blue Star. I look forward to continuing to connect with the newly formed Upstate Chapel of Sacred Mirrors community and plan on Volunteering there very soon, please if your in the NY area visit this Chapel, the land is beutiful and the space is lovely. After coming home very inspired, I found an interview on youtube of Alexs explaining where he channels his Visionary Art from, he speaks more beutifully and intricately about what I mention in the podcast above about Art and the Nature the nature of these Astral or Imaginal Archetypes, or "houses" of intelligence where these divine archetypes originate in the Mental and Spiritual plane before they are brought into the Physical. Eternal Love! ART IS THE RAINBOW BRIDGE! <3

To my great Joy, after this interview I also found out that Jose Arguelles and others around the world have been working on a Project called The Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge, this is amazing and Beutiful, Ive had no awareness of the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge and 2012. Beutiful stuff, I hope you enjoy!

Much L<3ve>

Id like to share some videos related to the themes mentioned, you can also see my videos by clicking on the toolbars links on the right over there. Enjoy!

Here Swami Satchidanand talks about the Antahkarana, as the Tower of SPiritual energy, that flows through our spine as kundalini, and connects us to our Lower Self whos Chakra is at the Center of the Earth where negative energy or spritual Lead is burned up, and the purification of that Energy or LEAD aka Black Gold, is then turned into Enlightenment or Spiritual Gold when it moves up our spine and illuminates our energybody before going back up and out into the center of the infinite universe/god.

Here Drunvalo Melchizidek from a completely different system of Initiation talks about Anchoring in our Divine and Higher Self, in order to do so, we must unite with our Lower Self, or the Consciousness of the Earth as he puts it, when we take our Consciousness down into our Lower Self, our Higher Self then Enlightens us with the reflective Path of Higher Understanding. These two systems all point toward turning inward and gathering our Lower Negative Karmic Mass, and when reflecting on that the Gold of Wisdom and Understaning is unveiled.

more to come family, LOVE, LOVE and LOVE! May we all greet eachother from the Highest of Hearts! <3

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Up on the Rainbow Bridge tonight ": The Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge and 2012-

Jose Arguelles has a new project focusing on spiritually and psychically tapping into what he calls the Circumpolar Magnetic Rainbow Bridge that emenates from the Center of the Earth into the Center of the Galaxy,WOW, what timing? If your not a consistent reader of this blog you can see the way the Rainbow has been a strong focus of my work by scrolling back a few posts and videos. I can say it feels great to be in Synch with Arguelles, this feels right on. Ive got a lota reading to do on his Rainbow Bridge now as well now too. I send you all a major Love! Ill be doing some more writing and sharing soonly. I also reccomend shooting over to the Synch Whole for some awsome writings from some awsome entities, be very well! <3>

I walked into work the other day and the first words I heard over the Radio was a Belle and Sebastian song called "Wrapped up in Books".

Wrapped Up In Books

It was pretty bright, up on the rainbow bridge tonight
I could see into your window although you’re far away
You were racing in a car
Beside a boy, you just don’t know if he is up for
What you have in mind
If he is up for what you have in mind

more to come real soon family much love!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Muses New Album, the Ipod NaNOW and the Men Who Stare at Goats?

I walked past this beutiful poster of the cover to Muses new album The Resistance.

Its literally a Rainbow Bridge, with a Yellow Bricked Road ie Middle Pillar-Rainbow Bridge, this to me resonates with the Veiwpoint of Spirit DESCENDING into Matter/Earth or Malkuth. It sounds nutty, but it is the Viewpoint of the Higher consciousness, descending to and coming into Earth, just as new Films like Surrogates, Gamer, and Avatar as Jake Kotze mentioned at the Synch Whole, they all represent Consciousness, or Spirit being at the Wheel of the Physical Body, just like the Muse cover resonates Consciousness Realizing Earth/Body. I dont think Muse are Kabbalists, I feel that KKonsciousness is realizing that Matter is Spirit, Synchromysticism to me is a Spiritualization of Matter/Media as Logos. IThe Rainbow Bridge is the affects of Consciousness realizing itself as such, and realizing that all is made of Consciousness, at all is Spiritually or energyetically part of a totality or unity. I think this is the collective awakening of being Here and Now, the opening of our Chakras collectively, collectively all being enlightened by the Birth of a new KKonsciousness.
I feel that this Spiritualization of Matter is narrated in the Heavens by the Urn of Aquarius Pouring the Life Force ie Wavy Lines or Kundalini into the Earth, or the Body. I think the Rainbow explodding in KKonsciousness right now is due to the explanding flow of Love Force and Life Force available in Consciousness. I think

Check out the cover for Men who Stare at Goats.

Notice the Illuminated Eye of Horus in the Background, and a man staring at a Goat! Watch the trailer below and see Jeff BRIDGES* as a CIA Warrior Monk Seargent who plans to help use Psychic Detectives and use Esoteric arts as Tactics. They call themselves Warriors Monks and Stare at Goats. Now you guys know what happened to the last group of Warrior Monks that Stared at Goats.

Warrior Monks the Knights Templar were persecuted by the Catholic Church and bruned at the Stake for Witchcraft including the Worship of a Goat God Baphomet. The Templars eventually became the Freemasons, and remember their Eye is in the Background of the movie poster up there.

Even crazier is that the movie is based on a True Story! This actually happened in the United States and was stopped in the mid 90s. Basically these High Military officers were practicing Esoteric Practices and were trying to see if they could burst a Goats heart by staring at it for long enough! The movie is based on this book.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Re-Birthday, Mythical Narrative, and flow of Selves. Futurama?

I would like to share one of my most recent and profound real time synchronicities that Ive experienced in August during some serious Rainbow flow I was experiencing. This synch experience spoke to me in so many ways and is so directly connected to how I got to be where I am now and how I got involved in this work and it also links directly to the subjects that Ive began to understand that I feel Im being lead to right now. So here it goes, this post is all about me, excuse me if its a bore, this is a personal narrative and it has proven to have been a great process of reflection. Saturn and Uranus are in the Sky again tonight/today, things feel right.

Im going to start with what was meant to be but turned out not to be so short biographic explanation of the person that I was 4 years ago and how my experiences then led me to where and who I am right now. And what Futurama had to do with it most recently.

When I turned 18 in February(Aquarius*) of 2006 I was playing in a do it yourself hardcore band in New York, I had just met my Soul Mate and Girlfriend, and had dropped out of my senior year in Highschool. I identified myself with and was involved with the Radical Activism and Do It Yourself Punk community pretty actively for a few years. I was at the time also struggling with some weighty youthful depression and or misplaced anger and had a mysterious abdominal illness for 4 years previous. The illness was undiagnosable but from what my doctors and the internet said it could have been what is known as Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome is said to be somewhat like Migranes of the Abdomen, Seasonally like once every 3 months I would wake up in fetal position with a sickening and terrible pain in my Abdomen where I now understand is my 3rd Chakra called Manipura is. I just read recently that this Chakra is where Anger can come from, and it is also the seat of the intellect, it is the connection between our Intellectual mind and our physical body, like having a Gut feeling. I now understand my depression was caused by misdirected Anger, I had a big heart, and nowhere to put my Anger it seemed. Im a very pascifistic "hippy" type, Ive broken up more fights than Ive ever been in, I do think I look a bit serious on the outside, yet Im full of Love. My Mayan Guatiao ( soul brother) and Teacher has nicknamed me Racoon for just these reasons. Now this was definatly more than a Gut feeling though, this pain was like having a Knife twisted into my intestines, I would be delirious with agony, sweating and having visions of pain and suffering, even images likened to Hell or Dantes Inferno, screaming faces, blackness redness and suffering, very bad place. I would go through this pain for about 8 hours until Id finally begin vomiting and losing everything in my system and I couldnt hold anything down, I would just wait for myself to basicaly pass out from exhaustion and would wake up the next day able to consume again and try and recover.

Leading up to this time I was going through this period of depression and experimenting with alot of diferent and often unhealthy chemicals "Trip" explore and "dissasociate". I started with lovely Morning Glory Heavenly Blue seeds that I could shoplift from a local Agway store, those trips were some of my very best and first self realizations, epiphanies and beutiul aesthetics, very good for me. But those went out of season and I wanted more experiences and I was broke so I was doing weekly experiments with all sorts of drugstore items like Robotussin (dxm), Dramamine(diphenhydrinate), Benadryl, yuuuck the list goes on. These experiences amounted to a mass of new experiences and emotions and mental landscapes and processes. I was pretty messy during this time, a young punk kid, getting wasted, being destructive, dumpster diving, quitting my job, good fun etc. One trip I definatly nearly overdosed, I experienced what I can only described as the feeling that someone had a loaded gun to the back of my head for a full day. It was pure terror in my body and mind, I was shaking uncontrollably, a pin drops sound could send terror through my whole being, I couldnt speak, i was breathing sporaddically, and I was talking to people and going to places that did NOT exist. (including what years later I would find out were already called "Self Transforming Machine Elves", though my elves were made of voidal darkness and were actually picketing instead of building and working) So for the whole day I lost my entire self, I was nobody I was just a terrified point of awareness, I felt like a terrified baby. Luckily this experience drifted off at the end of the day, I was not unaffected by it unfortunatly, I lost alot of energy, my personality became very "spacey", I would even have Deja Vus that would give me instantanious fears of impending death, those were the worst.I felt I lost what i now would consider heart chakra energy at that time as well, I feel I became more introverted. Now in a good way when I came out of this I was SOOO greatful, more than ever to be alive, and not to be experiencing the sheer terror of self Annihilation. Later in the day I came back into my body, remembered who my friends were, remembered that I was who I AM, and was thankfully brought to a party full of all my good friends at my bands practice space where more and more of my old reality seeped in to renew me. That day was the first time that I DIED. I no longer was the same personality that I had until that point, I lost a bit of my old self that was bright and uppidy and always socially vibing, but I had also lost the self that was selfish, disconnected, attached to pain, and ungreatful for life itself. I felt however a very strong new connection to my self, to my non verbal inner and eternal self and an appreciation for peace of mind and body.

Most important considering that my blog is now focused on Synchronicity these days, during that time I became obsessed with Coincidences that were happening to me especially those during and around my tripping experiences. To make an example on my 18th birthday feathers fell on me from the Sky as I talked to a friend about starting what would be my last Robotussin trip ever, we ended up talking about how many birds are killed by Commercial Airplanes, and then about Flight. Randomly at the Stroke of Midnight when I turned 18, I found myself outside an Airport watching many Planes take off in the Night. I was tripping so it blew my mind because I remembered talking to my buddy about planes before starting, and flight felt like it was resonating with entering a new legal age and stage in life, as I symbolized the next day with a Septum piercing that I always wanted. I ended up getting sick on the way home that night, and vowing to never use OTC medications to trip again. I went home and watched Pink Floyds( the Wall come to think of it. This experience and many others like it during the time were really blowing my mind, I cant make this post too long, but I was talking about my coincidences so much that people were getting concerned and telling me that I needed to chill out. That was the begining of what I feel started this type of a Shamanic personal path for me, I began to understand that my experience would be mine alone and that my journey would be a personal and self determined process.

But before those periods my "self" was going through a process of inner and outer reflection as well, I guess "reality" in some sense was setting in, and I was no longer just a young punk kid. I was not a spiritual person in a sense that I felt connected to the living universe, I felt connected to Nature strongly, and a strong heart felt connection to struggling peoples movements and such around the world, but "God" in any sense to me was not perceivable. I was planning on dedicating my life to defending Nature from the Industrial Apocalypse and the errors of Civilization and hoped to find other folks who were seeking a Post Civilization society(I still hope to in other ways). I was reading lots of "Green Anarchist" literature, John Zerzan, Daniel Quinn, Kevin Tucker, Derrick Jensen, etc. Much of the concepts, and lifestyles expressed by these writeres is also expressed through the radical diy punk and hardcore scenes that I was very connected to at the time as well. I was also getting involved with above ground yet controversial Animal and Earth rights activisms for a while. These new realities that exist outside and inside of this Cultural matrix to me confirmed my personal feelings of disdain with Government and civilizations unstable means of existence and with inequality and suffering, I began to realize that Civilization itself was not a real reality, but a man made reality of its own, and my experiences until that point had shown me that it looked like this man made Civilization was at its Carrying Capacity and on the verge of self destruction. So my apocalyptic feelings drew me even closer to exploring the themes of how to live post civilization and I was becoming concerned with how to organize and network toward these means of alternative and post industrial lifestyles.

It was with these feelings of Apocalypse that lead me toward beginning to identify with the culture of HOBOS*(youll understand the capitals* later on) and Squatting, TRAIN HOPPING*, revolutionary culture and decentralized anarchist communities like Crimthinc. and the Green Anarchy Collective and other primitive post-counter Civilization oriented groups whos events we had attended here and there. So the Summer that I would have graduated from Highschool my Girlfriend and I decided to go on a ROAD TRIP*, this trip was going to be all that I and her (a huge Beatnik fan) had dreamed of. We took the "Beat Route" from Kerouacs "On the Road" from NY, to Chicago, to Denver, to San Fransisco, and then to my personal choice of the Green Anarchist Mecca in EUGENE OREGON*. We had synchs and angels in every city along the way, lots of blessings, I dont wanna get into unimportant details so Im going to skip the whole of our trip to the west coast, and just mention the important parts. We ended up in Portland after EUGENE* and from there we were going to camp on a mountain with another couple our age who we happened across in a park, they were also seeking the road life and trying to find a new path. But we get on the Mountain in the center of Portland, and the couple realized they lost their Legal Info, IDs Bus Tickets all of it. So we go back to the Greyhound station and happened to loose this couple. Feeling sorta tired and just about done with Portland we decided to jump on a 3 day Greyhound back to Philadelphia where a punk Festival was happening. On the lat few hours arriving in PA, my Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome* decided it was about time for the Summer Episode. So beginning to feel this familiar Agony set in, we walked all over Philly with our huge backpacks tryign to find Hostels, Hotels, Squats, anything, and Nobody could help us, the Hostel gave us water but had literally no room on the floor for us, the hotels were full. So we decide well just lay out a Tarp in a Park and crash out there. In terrible pain and knowing this terrible episode was starting, I tried to sleep it off. I finally fell asleep but was awoken by my panicked Girlfriend who sensed that we really needed to find me some help and we couldnt just wait in this park all night. So we decide to start looking for a hospital. A Cabbie points us toward it and didnt even offer my miserable lookin booty a ride. I got there, I was given a needle to stop the Vomiting and the pain, which it did I was amazed. They tested my blood and White-Cell count was 3x higher than normal, they gave me a quick Catscan that revealed my body was rejecting my Appendix. I was rushed into Emergency Operation and it was during that moment again that I DIED. The thought of never waking up, never seeing my girlfriend or my family or this reality ever again gave me a feeling that I knew this was all happening for a reason, every moment of my life, including the Illness, the Depression, my Soul Mate, and the Trip, all of it lead me right there, and I knew that I was supposed to be there and supposed to WAKE UP!!! Upon awakeneing I was a totaly different person, I was alive, ready for life, ready to do anything Including get a Job and participate in the "Civilization" that I hoped to leave behind, all of my childish ideas and attachments to pains and everything left me, I knew that EVERYTHING here is happening for a reason. I was reborn again! and this time I really had a most positive and spiritual awakening rather than a total loss of Selfhood. SO it was on the date August 10th 2006 that I marked my first Rebirth Day. The Date happens to be 6 Months to the day that my Soul Mate and I had our first date, and we had planned to get some kind of cute tatoo or something or another the day that my episode kicked in too. Our 6 month anniversary ended up becoming a spiritual Bond that both of us would never forget. So my Rebirth Day is what this post is really about, and here I want to explain how this event is directly connected to the Synchronicities that Ive been sharing VIA my blog right here. This RebirthDay is one of the foremost causative forces that has brought me toward the person I am today.

SO, Synchronicity has increased in frequency, potency, intricacy, intelligence, and witness since my days as a young Pharmanaut, and if your a reader of my blog you would know that RAINBOWS have been a strong focus of my work, along with the Number 42.

This August 10th 2009 on my Rebirthday, I was feeling great, had a pretty normal wonderful day, at the end of the day Futurama was on the Television while I happened to be Blogging about Michael Jackson and the Rainbow Bridge and my girlfriend said to get my attention "Rainbow!".

Tin Man (Jupiter and Tin symbol resonating # 42, Tin=Intellect and the Element of Air/Aquarius) Bender gets offered to Space Train Hop with some HOBOS* in the Episode "30% Iron Chef."

And they end up Jumping off the Train As it Reaches a PRISM* which breaks off into seperate tracks and the Hues of the RAINBOW BRIDGE!*

Moments later the Hobos and Robos land on a planet when Bender is told "This is called Bum Base Alpha", Bender Replies with " Ive seen Bigger, no wait that was EUGENE OREGON*!

These scenes are from 7:10-8:23 during the Episode can watch here.

So if you read all of that I aplaud your attention span, I hope that wasnt too scattered, Im thankful to be here with you and to be able to share these things. That was a breif summary of what I now understand is my developing personal mythical narrative. I hope to hear more of these kinds of stories out there in the blogosphere, I feel this is a powerful and primal way of connecting to "our selves", reflecting upon our selves, and identifying the flow of our selves, there will be many! and there is Only (n)One. As we are also that which simultaneously Observes and animates our plural Selves. Happy Aquarian Cycle day*, G<3d> Bless all of you, Namaste - Kevin

Update: While working on this post, an Important Synch character from the videos I put together this Winter the Dog Star and the Rabbit Hole- Patrick Swaze passed on today, RIP.