The Rainbow Road to Oz, 9-11 and Masonic Initiation
7caban 0mol 137
Gregorian: 8/21/2008 Jewish-Masonic: 12/20/5768
I Ching: 19 Promotion 8 fold path: 1 Right View
DNA: Ggc 3 GLY Tarot: 22 World 22 Tan
OZ, note Z is a flipped mirrored 7 and 7. In Gematria OZ=77
L. Frank Baum (possibly a Buddhist) was interested in Theosophy (which he and his wife joined in 1896), and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is on page 36 of the Theosophical University Press 1989-90 catalogue, which features "the principle source-writings of the modern Theosophical movement and seeks to provide a...comprehensive presentation of the ancient wisdom-tradition."
"Concerning Theosophy, Baum pronounced, 'God is Nature, and Nature God," and in the Aberdeen, South Dakota Saturday Pioneer (January 25, 1890) he wrote of "an eager longing to penetrate the secrets of Nature -- an aspiration for knowledge we have thought is forbidden." the Theosophists are "searchers for truth" and "admit the existence of God -- not necessarily a personal God." He believed in the theory of elementals (invisible, vapory beings) popularized in Madame Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled (1877), and like the Rosicrucians' belief in the combining of God and nature, and not unlike William Butler Yeats' (Mason and Fabian) search for a new mysticism." --Now Is the Dawning of the New Age piano casters, By Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D.
Member of the Theosophical Society
They have a part of their website deicated to his work here.
"The man who wrote the book The Wizard of Oz was a member of the Theosophical Society. L. Frank Baum lived in South Dakota and created The Wizard of Oz book as a theosophical fairy tale incorporating the “ancient wisdom” of the Mystery Religions."
“It was pure inspiration....It came to me right out of the blue. I think that sometimes the Great Author has a message to get across and He has to use the instrument at hand. I happened to be that medium, and I believe the magic key was given me to open the doors to sympathy and understanding, joy, peace and happiness.” (Hearn, Michael P. ed., The Annotated Wizard of Oz. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, 1973, p. 73.)
In Baum’s time, the head of the Theosophical Society, H.P. Blavastsky had been putting out her journal called Lucifer. In other words, I highly suspect Baum knew what the Theosophical Society was all about, and that he himself was deeply into the occult. The book The Wizard of Oz came out in 1900. (It wasn’t until 1939 that the movie was made.)"
"Dorothy’s three companions represent the mental, emotional, and physical bodies that HPB wrote about. Dorothy acquired these three companions just as Theosophy says we will when we come into incarnation. To quote HPB “There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer; there is not trial that spotless purity cannot pass through; there is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount.”
(Algeo, John. “The Wizard of Oz: The Perilous Journey”, The Quest, Summer 1993. Wheaton, Il.: Theosophical Society in Amer.,p. 53.) "
Monarch Mind Control and The Wizard of Oz

Casey admitted that day that the CIA did mind-control consisting of drugs, hypnosis & electro-shock. A few of the victims of the Monarch Project were even awarded financial compensation for their misery.
But what was admitted was admitted in the spirit of covering up the extent of the full truth. The compensation was actually hush money, because victims were given "gag orders" by judges not to talk about what had happened to them."
"The Mason firmly grasps the right hand of a fellow Mason. The thumbs of both hands are interlaced. The first Mason presses the tops of his fingers against the wrist of the fellow Mason where it unites with the hand. The fellow Mason at the same time presses his fingers against the corresponding part of the the first Mason's hand and the fingers of each are somewhat apart. This grip is also called the Strong Grip of the Master Mason or the Lion's Paw. Instruction for this grip is given at the "graveside", after the candidate has been "raised". "
The next Step in Initation is the Revelation of the 3 Burning Candles or Pillars
Behold the primordial mound, and the three pillars/candles seen above. Up the spiral tower of babel they go. Identical to the Masonic candle mound
These three candles resonate with the 3 pillars of freemasonifc tradition, derived from the pillars of solomons temple, further deriven from the 3 great pyramids at giza.
3WTC Towers and 3 Candles/Pillars
the pyramids at giza derived from the 3 stars of orions belt, produce the 3 pillars of solomons temple and thus the three pillars of freemasonry.
O and Z are one letter away each from N and Y
For many other pre-9-11 synchronicities in holywood watch this
and read Dedroidifys blog
Props to Jake Kotze over at the Blob as well
Expect inspiring posts in the future, titlewaves of blessings