“When it enters, in a few years, the sign of Aquarius, psychologists will have extra work to do, and the psychic idiosyncrasies of humanity will enter into a great change.” - H.P. Blavatsky"

"There are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one Platonic Month(Astrological Age) and at the beginning of another" - Carl Jung

The soul needs an outer drama that can help awaken & pull into conscious awareness the inner myth & seeded story it carries within" -M Meade

"Forms are the symbols of formless divine principles; symbolism is the language of nature."- Manly P. Hall

"Every visible object, every abstract thought, every emotional reaction is but the symbol of an eternal principle.""-Manly P. Hall

Friday, November 21, 2008

Unveiling the Golden Scarab, The Beetles, and The Flowering

Greetings everyone
Synching with the last 6th Day of Flowering in the Mayan calendar, which was 1952-1972 the era of the Beatnicks, the Beatles*, and the FLOWER children, VW Beetles*, social evoltution, flowering. Obama being elected just 9 days before the 6th day, and presiding over the 5th Dark Knights economic problems. We see the civil struggles of the 1960s flowering, blossoming again, i also equate this with the 60s Age of Aquarius memes, as well as its Aquarian Saturn-Uranus oppositions that were also exact on November 4th 2008. In this post i will uncover the symbolism behind the Golden Beetle, the Sun, Herbie the Beetle and more. Lets start with Barack Obamas rising sun and "New Dawn" themes.
Unveiling The Golden Scarab

Blogger Afferis moon uncovered that Barack backwards is Kcarab, resonant of the Scarab, Kephera or Kephri, Xeper, Xepher, a Beatle God, symbolic of the dawning sun.

The Scarab ruled the Egyptian Zodiac sign of Cancer, the Crab, or Scarab.
"The Egyptians saw Cancer as the sacred scarab, a beetle which rolls its dung in the dust, making pellets in which its eggs are laid. The scarab was a symbol of resurrection and immortality; mummies often had a carving of the scarab in place of the heart. The Greek word for scarab is karabos. If not for the fact that it lies on the Ecliptic, and is therefore part of the zodiac, Cancer would be a rather inconspicuous group of stars. It is home to the relatively nearby Beehive/Praesepe complex of star clusters."- by astrologyonthetips
Heres what Ive found Wikipedia has to say about the first Beetle-Type 1 Volkswagen-
"The Volkswagen Type 1 is an economy car produced by the German auto maker Volkswagen (VW) from 1938 until 2003. The car was originally known as Käfer, the German word for "beetle," from which the popular English nickname originates. It was not until August 1967 that the Volkswagen corporation itself began using the name Beetle in marketing materials in the US. A handful of civilian-specific Beetles were produced, primarily for the Nazi elite, in the years 1940–1945, but production figures were small. "-Wikipedia
The Millionth Kafer or Beetle was GOLD-produced in 1955.
"by 23 June 1992, there had been over 21 million produced."-Wikipedia
The Sun enters the Sign of Cancer the Crab, Scarab or Beetle the 22nd-23rd of June until the 22 of July.
Raybeam over at The Synchromysticism Forum has unearthed a rich amount of Beatle, VolksWagen Beetle, Sun symbolism, heres some of his great findings. As well as some of my own research into the VW Beetle.
sKcarabs-Keferis Yellow sun Beetle 2008
60s Beetle revivement featuring Flowering* Power, resonant of the 60s Flowering 6th Day of the Mayan Calendars galactic underworld.
A recent VW Beetle advetisement
1968-Walt Disneys Lovebug featuring Flowering and VW Beetle Herbie .Note this was Released on December 24th when the sun begins its journey back from the underworld towar the summer solstice.
Herbie goes to Monte Carlo, note 5+3=8, goggles on passenger infiniti, and the solar number 17, This film was released on June 24th 1977 when the Sun begins moving southward after the Summer Solstice, this is when the sun resides in sign of Cancer, the Crab, or Scarab in Egyptian Astrology.
Herbie H=8, 5+3=8 "In the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Carl "CJ" Johnson's friend, The Truth says he once drove an "Astral Goat" named Herbie, referring to Herbie the Volkswagen."-Wikipedia
Herbie 8 fully loaded on a checkerboard floor, Released June 22nd 2005 the Summer Solstice again in Cancer the Egyptian sign of the Beatle.
Highway Haunter. 8-8. Ghostbusters
Beetle adventure racing featuring another yellow Beetle 8.
It seems theres a theme with these Herbie the Beetle films being released on Solstices. Lets read about the Egyptian Beatle god Kephri or Xeper.
"In Egyptian mythology, Khepri (also spelt Khepera, Kheper, Chepri, Khepra) is the name of a major god. Khepri is associated with the dung beetle (kheper), whose behavior of maintaining spherical balls of dung represents the forces which move the sun. Khepri gradually came to be considered as an embodiment of the sun itself, and therefore was a solar deity. To explain where the sun goes at night, such pushing was extended to the underworld, Khepri's pushing of the sun being ceaseless"-Wikipedia
Then we have the Flowering eras The Beatles.(1960-1970)
The cover of The Beatles, Abbey Road, featuring the Yellow Beatle.
Here we have the Beatles "and we sailed, on to the sun... in our Yellow Submarine", holding a Yellow Submarine and Pagan hand symbols.
A yellow submarine atop a Mayan Pyaramid. in their film "Yellow Submarine"
I snapped a picture of a Masonic Rising Sun handshake in the film as well.
The main theme throughout the psychedelic film was Love. A big part of the 60s was the Aquarian Love and Peace themes, liberation and acceptance.

Here we have Hope street, resonant with the Kcarab Obama victory and the november 13th entrance into the Mayan Calenars the Flowering.
Here the Mayan pyramid capped with the Rising sun and the rainbow over blue foregrounds and flowers, Aquarian themes." In the song "Yellow Submarine", yellow is said 26 times. 2+6=8. Submarine's said 27 times.27+26=53=5+3=8." -Raybeam @ the Synchromysticism Forum
Here we have an Aquarian foreground and the word YES, which is a word that has been poping up lately.
Austin Powers(60s Aquarian Flowering, Michael Meyers) rocked a Time Traveling Beetle.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Flowers, hippy shirt, beetle background.
In the Truman Show a very interesting film, A Yellow Beetle is predicted by the main character, after a woman riding a Red Bike, A yellow Sun after a Scarlet beast riding woman maybe?
Couseaus' Odyssey another 8 , Calypsos Search for Atlantis freaturing a Yellow Submarine.
Couseaus 1966 Yellow Submarine outside the Institute of Oceanography in France.
Thanks to Raybeam for all that work.
The Life Aquatics yellow submarine released December 25th 2004 Winter Solstice.
There is also a Game called Arkham Horror, with a new addition the Cult of the Golden Scarab
Heres an 18k Gold Beetle, and anothe Trimmed Golden Beetle
VRBANUS manufactured this SUNABRV? Advanced Ballistic Reentry Vehicle? or Sun Abreviate, Uranus?

November 22nd the Vatican finally forgives John Lennon for saying The Beatles were bigger than Jesus. Also a newly releases Beatles experimental song called "Carnival of Light" inspired by the composer Karlheinz Stockhausen . Who also has a record called SIRIUS in 1977.
"I have dreamt several times that I came from Sirius and that I was trained there as a musician; it was almost like an obsession during three, four years, and I began to collect information and compose electronic music which was called Sirius." - Stockhausen
When Stockhausen's daughter, Julika (aged 5 or 6 at the time), asked for a dog, he obtained one for her and named it Sirius, after the star in the constellation Canis Major, which was in his mind because he had just finished composing Sternklang ("Star-sound", 1971). Shortly afterward, he chanced upon a passage in a book by Jakob Lorber describing Sirius as the sun at the center of our universe, and this fired his imagination"-Through the looking Glass
The Beetle, the Scarab and the Chariot 8
I have a Hunch about the 8=H in Herbie the Beetle, previously called Kafer, or Kephera, and these Yellow or Golden Beatles or Submarines and the Sun are one in the same. The sun is Exalted in the Zodiacal sign of Cancer at its Solstice, the Crab, THE SCARAB was depicted as the sign of the Crab in the Egyptian Solar Tradition.
The Thoth Tarot Decks The Chariot Numbered-8-Cheth in Hebrew, the Chariot in Tarot, Depicts a knight in GOLDEN ARMOUR, this sign is attributed with the Summer Solstice Sun in CANCER, the Crab or Scarab! It is my deduction that the Egyptian or Pre Egyptian Origins of the Tarot, has a tie between this Golden Armour and the Scarab Kephri or Yellow Submarine, like Herbie Beetle=Herbie=H=8=Chariot=Solar Chariot. All of the Herbie films were released on Solstices. There are also 8 Major holidays in a Solar year, the 2 Solstices, 2 Equinoxs and the 4 cross Quarter Holidays. Beneath the Chariot we have the Solstices Correlation with the 4 Sphinxs, or the 4 Platonic Ages, The Bull, The Eagle, the Man and the Lion. The man Being the Water Bearer, the Age we are currently in or in transit of. He is also riding on Scarlet Wheeles, the revolving motion color of Geburah or Mars. The Blue Abyss or beneath the Sea in the Yellow Submarine is the Sea of Binah in the Upper Triad of the Tree of life, CHETH or the CHARIOT Connects the sphere 3 Binah and Geburah 5, now think back to Herbies 53. Cancer being the Water sign and symbol of the moon is the connection between the Water and the physical, its the blood, sangraal. The Golden Armour/Scarab Cancer symbolism connecting us to the Obama Sckarab Rising Dawn Aquarian Symbolism of his Saturn Uranus aligned Election. This also connects us the the Tarot card The Moon in the Thoth deck we can see Kephera symbolizing the sun or consciousnesses journey through the underworld of the night/unconscious. As Cancer the crab or Scarab is the water sign as well as the moon.
"Cancer is the cardinal sign of the element of Water, {Hence St. John Baptist's Day, and the various ceremonials connected with water.} and represents the first keen onrush of that element. Cancer also represents the path which leads from the great Mother Binah to Geburah, and is thus the influence of the Supernals descending through the Veil of Water (which is blood) upon the energy of man, and so inspires it."-Aleister Crowley
Cancer is also the house of the Moon, see Xeper or Kafera o the bottom of the card pushing the sun through the underworld.
Heres a little more about the Egyptian Zodiac

1800 year old Chariot Unearthed November 22th 2008

Golden Beetle=YellowSubmarine=Herbie=8=Chariot=Cancer=Scarab=Stargate
Heres a cartoon Night Hood, this Episode is numbered 8! Featuring the Golden Scarab

The quote below is from an author who claims the astrology of Egypt synchronized with Kephera in he 60s, as well as the Tem age of the Flower or Lilly. He has alot of interesting information relating the Beatles to Kephera.
"Tem would make an attempt to assert itself during the Khepera period when the floral theme of the water lily made a brief appearance as Flower Power and the Summer of Love in 1967. Alas, peace and serenity could not hold its own against the stronger Khepera forces of rebellion and change."

1,800-year-old chariot found in Bulgaria

Kundalini flying with punk shaman HR and Bad Brains covering Day Tripper by the Beatles. LIVE WELL!
Have you seen Jah dressed in GOLD?
Have you seen jah dressed in GREEN?
Have you seen jah dressed in RED?
He comes in COLORS!
Be well all, Celebrate
Anonymous posted Budweisers SuperBowl Crab-Scarab Sun Worship Commercial
More 60s tidbits
Cheech and Chong are doing a Roast this year, they were another 60s symbol.
Some words about the 6th Day.
The Central Birth Energy of The Sixth Day is Imix or "The Void."
It is symbolized in nature and glyph by the Maya as ALLIGATOR. This is the alligator or the turtle sometimes, from which all creation has been made. Some famous Mayan drawings show all of creation being built upon the back of a turtle – just as we know that all things have once been no-thing. It all comes from the void. This is the primal creative force arising from the collective unconscious. "- -Daykeeper

"The Sixth Day heralds a time of flowering for the plant - awakening, unfolding, opening up to new possibilities. Most scholars use the words "enlightenment" and "renaissance" to define this creative period. Historically, the Sixth Day on other levels or cycles corresponded to the invention of tools, first attempts at agriculture and building shelter; the European Renaissance itself; and the flower children movement of the 1960's. "2008 This time, with Ethics as the foundation of consciousness the 5th "Night" is going to be very different from all the previous ones.This time too we are knowledgeable of the schedule as never before. Always in the past when the immense acceleration of consciousness provided during the 5th "Day" hit physicality there was a spin out of control as much more became suddenly possible.In that process some very bad things happened to what ever, or who ever, was in the way during the 5th "Night".6th "Day" Is the Renaissance in each cycle. Sure enough, the 6th "Day" of the last cycle was right when the European Renaissance happened. We will see Human spirit become able to manifest whatever "Things" that they could desire. There will be no manufacturing or harvesting, buying or selling going on at all.
Next 6th "Day" Nov. 2008 – Nov. 2009
Last 6th "Day" 1952 – 1972 (Beatniks and then Flower Children, The Beatles, orbital satellites and global communication systems)
Next 6th "Night" Nov. 2009 – Nov. 2010 Here is usually a troubled time in each of the past 7 Consciousness cycles of the Mayan calendar. It’s when some of the methods developed during the previous "Days" have been jettisoned because they were seen as not being workable toward a greater survival potential.
The last 6th "Night" was 1972 – 1992 (Viet Nam War) A war that ended the acceptability of war, if not the practice of war, through and by a consciousness shift… Current 3rd "Day" consciousness, displayed recently in World Wide protests against the Iraq War before it even began, are held up here as being the result of this consciousness shift during the 70’s, and 80’s. It did not stop the practice of war but it made the statement stronger than ever before that war is not an acceptable solution to survival any longer by consciousness. This coming 6th night we will jettisoning our dependence of local in physical space/time. Travel will be done by the shift of consideration, rather than by any physical conveyance. Time will be a chosen destination as locale is understood as a chosen location today. "W.-V. Welsch http://www.mayanmajix.com/

More coming, be well all

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Updated: Why not? Royal Aquarian Cruises, Sirius Star Pirates? Fools attack Wall St

Mayan: 1ik 5ceh
Gregorian: 11/14/2008 Jewish-Masonic: 2/16/5769

If you have been following my last few posts they have been focused around the energies of change that are in the air with Obama, Saturn-Uranus alignments, Yes-Man Jim Carry and fool initiation, and the November 13th 6th Day of Flowering ruled by a birth diety.
Heres a commercial i saw a day or two after having written about the energies of Yes, Aquarian symbolism, YES Man and the Flowering. I have written about how the word "WE" is a right brain stimulating term that is being used by major media and globalizastion campaigns. WE in the context of a post Worldwide "Global Warming" and "Global Terror" is used in many commercials dealing with energy, environment, and now just about any of popular cultures shared technology. WE is initiation into the IPOD globalized future tribe, it invokes a planetary consciousness.

Notice the YES energy here, WHY NOT? The usage of the word WE, Cast-off conventions more Fool Initiation symbolism.

Royal Carribean the nation of Why Not?"

YES, in many languages is displayed coming from a man on a boat(piscean/Aquarian), Amazing how much ive just been writing about the energies associated with the word YEs and Initiation into the Aquarian age. See my Post on Yes Man, and The Fool, Uranus etc.
for more.

Note the rising sun theme, especially in the prescense of Lady ISIS liberty, a MAYAN TEMPLE!! and an obelisk.
We just entered the 6th day of Flowering in the Mayan calendar.
"This coming 6th night we will jettisoning our dependence of local in physical space/time. Travel will be done by the shift of consideration, rather than by any physical conveyance. Time will be a chosen destination as locale is understood as a chosen location today. " - http://mayanmajix.com
Theres even a reference to this kind of transport in the future , heres a little more about the 6th day.
"6th “Day” Is the Renaissance in each cycle. Sure enough, the 6th “Day” of the last cycle was right when the European Renaissance happened. We will see Human spirit become able to manifest whatever “Things” that they could desire. There will be no manufacturing or harvesting, buying or selling going on at all.
Last 6th “Day” 1952 – 1972 (Beatniks and then Flower Children, The Beatles, orbital satellites and global communication systems)"
W.-V. Welsch http://www.mayanmajix.com/
Before i knew about the 6th day i was blogging about Aquarian patterns in the election process and astrology in the skies above the election, im begining to think that the mayan calendar will synch up well with the western astrological tradition about 2012 and the transition or entrance into the age of Aquarius. For background start here with Hancock, the DNC, and Aquarian election .

Is that the Emerald city, Vatican?
Aquarian flavored badge.

Speaking of Galactic International cruieses, the cosmic coincidence center today delivered a cosmic wink, are you sirius?


November 15th, The FOOLS or Clowns ring in the opening bell at Wall streets stock market.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The 6th Day Galactic Underworld Aquarian Initiation, the Fool, Morgan Freeman

The 6th Day Galactic Underworld Aquarian Initiation
Gregorian: 11/16/2008
Jewish-Masonic: 2/18/5769

Congratulations, we have survived the DArk Knight of the 5th Day in Galactic Underworld of the Mayan Calendar. All though it seems our economy, as predicted by calendar speculators might not have.
"If the international monetary system collapses in DAY 5(11-18-07 - 11/12/08) we may for instance come to see this replaced by a centralized electronic control over everyone’s economic interactions (Not to mention control of whereabouts and other things)"- Carl Calleman - Mayan Calendar speculator
Septembers 2008s Aquarian Waterdoor, Receeding piscean energy featuring "How to Save FISH!"(thanks to Raybeam @ the Synchromysticism Forum)
I have rebcentley caome across some intuiging iormation concerning the Mayan Calendar and its time cycles in relation to the evolution of consciousness. Previously In my research in astrology ive found that when Uranus is active and especially when conjunct with Saturn in human history, there are great advances in social evolution, everything from the American Revolution in the 1700s, the discovery of Uranus in the 1800s coinciding with the post renaissance enlightenment, the civil rights era for Africans and Womyn in the early 1900s, to the beats and hippies of the Dawning Aquarian age in the 1960s with help from Pluto the deep revealing planet. This Election Season we saw the September 29th Saturn Uranus action in the DOW dropping 777.68, and then the Exact Saturn-Uranus opposition on November 4th Election Day, bringing forth Americas first black president. Saturn and Uranus rule the sign of Aquarius and also the current Age or Precessional 2,160 year period in which the tropical Zodiacs Vernal Equinox suns enter a new sign on a backward moving larger Zodiac. According to many people we are within 100 years into the age, or 100 years short of the age. No matter whom you decide to beleive it can be understould that we are in a transitional period from the Piscean age into the Aquarian Age. I have found that the Piscean age has a deep material connection to the Roman Catholic Church, Monotheism, mainly Christ, and their influence on global civilization. The Aquarian age is symbolized by humanity as a whole, equality in sex and race, androgyny, as well as wiser technology and broader autonomous spirituality as compared to the heirarchal Piscean spirituality. According to the Mayan Calendar we have entered the Heaven of Flowering ruled by Yohualticitl the Birth Diety on November 13th 2008. This for me synchronizes with the Resurrection of America and the birth of a new Obama-nation.

Over at the blog The Blob Jake Kotze surfaced an Amazing synchronicity for me, just as the Saturn and Uranus oppositions i've been writing about were aligning, the Economist had these two covers for their Magazines.

Note the Universe tarot card top right synching with the first cover, the spiral universe, the bull, Aquarian Water door, Saturn being attributed to the universe card as well as earthly things like economies, limits money, time, structure, tradition- think Piscean Roman Catholic Mccain Palin etc. Then just after the Saturn-Uranus alignment September 29th, October 2nds cover featuring The Fool symbolism, Uranus in Tarot is the Fool as well as the planet associated with swift unexpected change, chaos, initiation, thought, conceptual change. Saturn and Uranus rule the astrological sign of Aquarius, the current golden age of enlightenment that we are approaching.

I beleive there are many observable signs and patterns everywhere pointing to the dawning age of Aquarius, especially that of the election of Barack Obama, Green Culture, Eco Culture, and the post 2000 Metrosexual and psychospiritual advances, as well as and the flowering of the post feminist movement as we tune back towards the divine feminine after the age of Industrial age , Artificial Intelligence, and World Wars. Purging Kali Yuga, approaching Satya the age of Truth.
Mayan Calendar, Economic Crisis and Obama and the Dark Knight - 6th day transition November 13th 2008

In my breif research into the Mayan Astrological tradition and its amazingly accurate Astronomic Calendrical system. I just became aware that we Entered what is called the 6th Day of the Galactic Underworld on November 12th 2008, we are now under the creative energy of Flowering which has cyclic calender roots in the renaissance and the hippies. Heres a good short description of the what Carl Johan Calleman Phd. has found about the course of human history and the Mayan Calendars Galactic Underworld Days and the Dietys that represent the energies of the time cycles.

"According to Calleman's interpretation, the Mayan calendar consists of nine embedded cycles, or Underworlds, all ending on the same date. A cycle is subdivided into 13 equal intervals, each ruled by a particular deity representing certain principles. Calleman sees opposing characteristics or yin/yang traits in successive pairs of intervals in a cycle, and describes an Underworld as a sequence of six Day/Night pairs plus a final Day. Each cycle except the first is embedded in the last Day of the previous cycle. This means that the length of the Day shortens exponentially from one Underworld to the next. In Calleman's terminology, the Galactic Underworld began in 1999 and has a Day length of 360 astronomical days, or almost one year. The previous cycle, called the Planetary Underworld, began in 1755 and had a Day length of 19.7 years."
-William C. Treurniet.

Amazingly Calleman also predicted September-Novembers Global Economic Crisis , here is an exerpt from an Article i beleive to have been written in 2004 or so.

The difficult Fifth NIGHT ruled by Tezcatlipoca - Carl Calleman (2004?)
"At this point I feel it may be in its place to make a jump forward to discuss what is likely to occur after the two pulses of LIGHT in DAY 4 and DAY 5. In the Fifth NIGHT, (November 18 2007 – November 12, 2008, ruled by the energy of Tezcatlipoca, the god of darkness), we will see the last desperate attempts of the West, and power hierarchies based on materialism everywhere, to remain in control and strengthen their power in some new very oppressive way.
If the international monetary system collapses in DAY 5 we may for instance come to see this replaced by a centralized electronic control over everyone’s economic interactions (Not to mention control of whereabouts and other things). Except that I simply look upon it as a phase in a cosmic plan, this is the time period when many of the scenarios described by conspiracy theoreticians may come true. Regardless of the concrete forms it may take, this is when everything will be made to keep people in the fold."
In the film the Dark Knight, we can see the Joker or Fool ruled by Uranus or chaos burns money for the sake of pure chaos, this film symbolically coming out just over a month before the Uranus-Fool-Saturn-economy planetary alignment September 29th, the dow drops 777.68, just as Calleman predicted above the Dark Knight would bring an economic crisis.

"In the same way as we, during the Fifth NIGHT of the Planetary Underworld (1932-52) saw an alliance between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union of Stalin we may well in the upcoming Fifth NIGHT come to see an alliance between the rulers of China and the United States – all in the interest of maintaining a hierarchically ruled world with a focus on material gains. And in the same way as the mentioned dictatorships of the Planetary Underworld enjoyed the overwhelming support of their subjects, we may well come to see a strong support by the subjects of the “democracy” of the US and the “popular” regime of China as the Fifth NIGHT begins to rule in the Galactic Underworld. "- Carl Calleman

It is now November 15th 2008 and he was exactly on point, now we must also look into what the meaning of the 6th DAY is, that is the day we are currently in, with Barack Obamas certain presidency, a very big step for humanity, we are in the Day of Flowering.

From the website Mayan Majix-
"The Sixth Day heralds a time of flowering for the plant - awakening, unfolding, opening up to new possibilities. Most scholars use the words “enlightenment” and “renaissance” to define this creative period. Historically, the Sixth Day on other levels or cycles corresponded to the invention of tools, first attempts at agriculture and building shelter; the European Renaissance itself; and the flower children movement of the 1960's. "
2008 This time, with Ethics as the foundation of consciousness the 5th “Night” is going to be very different from all the previous ones.

This time too we are knowledgeable of the schedule as never before. Always in the past when the immense acceleration of consciousness provided during the 5th “Day” hit physicality there was a spin out of control as much more became suddenly possible.

In that process some very bad things happened to what ever, or who ever, was in the way during the 5th “Night”.

6th “Day” Is the Renaissance in each cycle. Sure enough, the 6th “Day” of the last cycle was right when the European Renaissance happened. We will see Human spirit become able to manifest whatever “Things” that they could desire. There will be no manufacturing or harvesting, buying or selling going on at all.

Next 6th “Day” Nov. 2008 – Nov. 2009

Last 6th “Day” 1952 – 1972 (Beatniks and then Flower Children, The Beatles, orbital satellites and global communication systems)

Next 6th “Night” Nov. 2009 – Nov. 2010 Here is usually a troubled time in each of the past 7 Consciousness cycles of the Mayan calendar. It’s when some of the methods developed during the previous “Days” have been jettisoned because they were seen as not being workable toward a greater survival potential.

The last 6th “Night” was 1972 – 1992 (Viet Nam War) A war that ended the acceptability of war, if not the practice of war, through and by a consciousness shift… Current 3rd “Day” consciousness, displayed recently in World Wide protests against the Iraq War before it even began, are held up here as being the result of this consciousness shift during the 70’s, and 80’s. It did not stop the practice of war but it made the statement stronger than ever before that war is not an acceptable solution to survival any longer by consciousness. This coming 6th night we will jettisoning our dependence of local in physical space/time. Travel will be done by the shift of consideration, rather than by any physical conveyance. Time will be a chosen destination as locale is understood as a chosen location today. "
W.-V. Welsch http://www.mayanmajix.com/

Observer the top highlighting for november 13th 2008 between the 5th and 6th day, and its world historic cycles, I should note it synchs with the end of the Roman Empire, Jesus and that old Piscean Fish, and Satan. Also synchs with the renaissance, synchromystically that is the Secret Service nickname for Michelle Obama.
Ian Lungold on the 5th Night 2004

For more information on the 6th Day of the Galactic Underworld

What it seems is that the Maya also have an Astrology and Cosmology based Calendar system that reflects the evolution of human consciousness, in a very logical way progressing from the microscopic amoebas single celled solo survival, all the way to the modern age of planetary consciousness, the age of the internet, communication, we are functioning now conscious of eachother across the planet, as if one organism is now consciously manipulating its own destiny. These themes coincide with the western astrological traditions Aquarian Age, the Satya Yuga in the Hindu system, the age of Isis in egypt, Day 6-Galactic Underworld Mayan. Barack Obama is a living conscious extension of the energies contained at the end of the Piscean era and the Dawn of the Age of Man, or the Waterbearer. Barack Obamas rising sign is ruled by Uranus in Aquarius. For there to be a first black man and woman in the white house, with the same astrological rhythms in culture, race and sex throughout history, the 60s changed things and passed, and here we are again, with USAs first Black President.

Thanks to Skaggz at the must read blog The Hidden Agendas for pointing this one out

"According to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the DVD featurette 'The Future is Coming', this movie is set in the year 2008.
  • The title refers to the biblical story of creation Genesis, where on the sixth day, God created mankind, male and female, in his own image.
  • The metallic device seen in the movie poster is used to archive the mental state of a person, such as memories, habits etc. and subsequently transfer it to his or her clone. The recording is called the "cerebral process"- Wikipedia

Obama, the 6th Day, Yes Man , Initiation, Morgan Freeman

Bruce Almighty being Initiated or Enlightened about his own Godhood upon high mountains by God played by Morgan Freeman. As ive disussed before the relationship between mountains, hills, air, white, and the Fool Tarot card. This is the relationship between the mountain Air, the Air attribute to the fool card and the white flower, and that air is symbolic of thought, purity, and mental processes. Symbolic of starting anew, regeneration, naivity, initiation.

The fool seen on a mountains edge, with white tipped mountains in the background. Note his posture, the white flowers, and the dog symbolism involved.
Theres much similarity between the fool card and this image, as well as the matter that the Green Man in history is identified with the fool card, Jim Carry has played many a Green Man in his time, including the Grinch, the Mask, the Riddler, the resurrected man in Eternal Sunshine, so on. The green man in Tarot is symbolized by the time of spring, resurecction, a clean slate, letting go and so on.

(thanks to Jake Kotze for these green man /moon synchs)
In the film Yes Man Jim Carry is a man who grew up saying NO to everything that came his way, finally he signs up for a program in which he must say YES to everything that comes his way. Ive just written about the symbolism behind the film and its relationship with Hermetic Principles, mainly that of the Law of Attraction, also seen in The Secret, as well as the work of Abraham Hicks and Eckhart Tolle. The power of yes is the gnosis of thought, attraction, initiation is surrender, Yes is surrender, resistance is NO. Yes and Initiation are potent with Novelty for the unkown is the most novel, thats why well see Alligators, symbols of potency beneath the fool in Crowley Tarot, and Ace Ventura 2. With the Fool symbolism and its attribution of the Planet Uranus in esoteric sciences, the planet of swift change, air, thought, conceptual thought, synchronicity. Gives us some timely insight into what this movie is teaching us about ourselves.

We saw Jim Carrey THE FOOL above with GOD played by Morgan Freeman, a Black Man. In the Millenium Era weve seen the resurrection of the Black Man in the collective consciousness of western civilization. For these symbolic medias to even be broadcast are examples of our evolution in consciousness. So God as a Black Man, at the end of the Piscean age we can begin to trace the symbols of the EMERGING Aquarian Age, ruled by the planets Saturn( The universe in Tarot) and Uranus ( the Fool ). Think HancocK.

For me to see the words YES, and WE as well as CHANGE in an Election that was Exact with a URANUS and Saturn Planetary Alignment, is an intruiging sight indeed. With Uranus symbolising the Fool and Initiation, and their relativity with the word YES, as well as the Green Man and Spring itiation resonating with THE FLOWERING 6th Day of Mayan Tzolkins Galactic Underworld.

Now also the movie Deep Impact to me resonates the age we are in, a Black US President, a globally unifying crisis from the kkosmos. Morgan Freeman also plays LUCIFER resoating Lucious Fox in Batman the Dark Knight, Lux-Feror- Latin for Light Bearer. Illuminator, he can be seen Illuminating the Fool In Bruce Almighty, and the Joker or The Madman Fool Heath Ledger in ther Dark Knight.
In the Dark Knight, Lucious Fox or Lucifer, creates an AI Program that uses electromagnetic signals from all appliances to Illuminate anything that Batman desires. More initiatory symbolism.

Freeman interacts with THE JOKER or the FOOL in Dark Knight.( see more on Heath Ledger, and Dark Knight).

Freeman also deals with a Global Environmental threat in the Movie Outbreak as the character Billy Ford. I virus contained in a quote" New World Primate" white Capuchin monkey and Martial Law is declared by the Army to contain the pandemic.

He also plays an Alien Hunter in the film Dream Catcher, he plays curtis an Alien Hunter bottom left, trying to Quarantine a creature nicknamed Shit Weisel. Note Weblike design background. He is usually attempting to Quarantine some global threat, He initiates Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty, then in Yes Man his girlfriend is ZOey Deschanel who is Dorothy Gale in Tin Man, and is also accompanying Mark Wahlberg in the containment movie The Happening.

Anyway say the spiderweb/alien hunting also reosonates with him Narrating War of the Worlds. As well as Lucious Fox and its Illuminating symbolism resonates with Project Lucifer.

Project Lucifer is a name for a government project, that first was initiated by The launch of a Satellite into the planet Jupiter, containing massive amounts of Plutonium and creating a massive nuclear explosion, weeks later a Spiral Storm the size of Earth is found on Mars and NASA has no comment, some speculate its the reaction of the Plutonium only 700 miles from Jupiter. The next step was when it was decided that on 7/7/08 the Cassini Satellite was going to be sent to smash into Saturn, a Gas rich planet, it could create an explosion the size of the sun, a 2nd sun, Morning Star, Lucifer or Light Bringer. The project has now been postponed till April 2010. A hexagon has also recently formed on the north pole of Saturn.

By the way, it would have taken 28 Days after 7/7/08 before we felt the affects of the second sun Saturn Exploding from project Lucifer.

See Steve Wilners project Lucifer work here
As well as a new project in 2008 with the same name below.

Why is Morgan Freeman constantly dealing with unknown unifying global issues, initiating gods, narrating alien invasion movies, Martial Law, Quarantine, and playing Lucifer? Is Morgan Freeman symbolic of the Aquarian Age Illumination that man will receive during the Water Door of the flowering of the 6th Day? Who knows? Keep back for more