“When it enters, in a few years, the sign of Aquarius, psychologists will have extra work to do, and the psychic idiosyncrasies of humanity will enter into a great change.” - H.P. Blavatsky"
"There are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one Platonic Month(Astrological Age) and at the beginning of another" - Carl Jung
The soul needs an outer drama that can help awaken & pull into conscious awareness the inner myth & seeded story it carries within" -M Meade
"Forms are the symbols of formless divine principles; symbolism is the language of nature."- Manly P. Hall
"Every visible object, every abstract thought, every emotional reaction is but the symbol of an eternal principle.""-Manly P. Hall
"Think 1965-1967, the time of the last Saturn-Uranus opposition. Unfortunately, Saturn-Uranus energies often manifest with all the subtlety of a grand mal seizure. This is not the kind of energy that is conducive to a smooth electoral process. We are entering a stressful time."
Uranus plays an important role as the provocateur, the bringer of the cosmic wake-up call for both individuals and the collective as a whole. Just when we relax into our comfortable, stable lives, Uranus disrupts the scene... The influence of Uranus on a generation is revealed through innovations, break-throughs, shifts in perception, etc. When Pluto and Uranus were conjunct in Scorpio during the sixties, there were surprise events that shocked the world, along with social upheaval due to changing perceptions. I'm thinking of the sudden loss of leaders through assasination, but also a desire of the so-called hippie generation to break free and live in a more liberated way."
"The conjunction is quite rare, being made the last time around 1848, a time of social revolution in Europe and a time of great civil unrest and social change in Europe and America, and occurring again in the period of 1963-68."
"Pluto was last in Capricorn from November 1762 until December 1, 1778. Pluto deals with transformation of the political and economic realities of our world, and its entry into Capricorn marked the end of the Seven Years' War in which France ceded Canada to Britain, but political unrest was felt throughout Europe as well as in the Colonies and this period marked a reconfiguration of many of the nations in the world"
"Pluto symbolizes death, rebirth, sex, evolution, degeneration and regeneration, and symbolizes the breakdown of psychological blocks that prevent evolutionary growth. It is the higher octave of Mars, where it represents the conscious self-knowledge and self-mastery of the magician and alchemist standing above brute force and physical prowess; and it is also the fabulous and elusive Phoenix bird. Pluto rules the sign Scorpio in which initially/exoterically it symbolizes mastery of the emotions through the use of the will, and finally/esoterically it represents transcendence through consciousness of the ego-identified self. This is the true and liberating death of the self born here to earth."
I highly reccomend looking into astrology and comparing cosmology with human history. Youll find that not only do the planets reflect ourselves, we reflect our planets, evolution of our political and social history reflects our cosmology.
as above
so below
some 2008-1968 historical Rythms
Both years strongly resonate Civil Rights issues, MLK assasinated, May 1st uprisings in France, America, abroad, Apollo 8 astronauts see the moon from space for the first time making JFKs dream of a man on the moon by 69 possible. Nixon elected. Beatles white album, Lots of beatles syncs. Time magazine just released a special 1968 edition. lots of vibrations harmonizing.
Looks like things could be gettin wild, hold on tight love the light
I see all forms of Media from the past as being something like poetic Nodes along a timeline of human history.All artists serve as antennae of the human cultures ideas, morals, possibilities, impossibilities at the time of their creation.
Artists right brains or creative brains serve as the tool from which they access the archetypes logged into DNA and the left brain and express these new ideas/creations in physical form as Media be it Heiroglyph, Poetry, Fiction, Non- Fiction, TV, Movies, Ads etc.So the future is then born in the right brain of the artists/architects of the time being. Media always is an expression of what is possible or impossible at the current juncture in time and also what is acceptable and what is taboo at that period in time. Taboos functioning as tribal behavioral dams created to narrow the event horizon or possible future.Artists like H.G. Wells and H.P. Lovecraft George Orwell, etc. and many others serve as great antennae for what was probable/improbable at the time of their existence and their medias.
Most of their fictions ended up mirroring what was actually coming in the foreseeable future. Which would be why their material was seen as relevant/acceptable.
All forms of Media and Fiction serve as mirrors for what man is experiencing or capable or incapable of at that juncture in time. The ideas or fiction remain only imaginary ideas until they are enacted in the physical world and become a reality. Then a new frontier is then carved out over the path of the latter. The tower is struck by lightening in Tarot to express just that.We are being surrounded by carefully crafted collages of sights sounds smells and events that are supposed to be internalized as " reality".These carefully crafted collages are crafted by the architects of the event horizon that they see fit.This brings me to Al Gores "We" campaign.Every commercial for the past few years with increasing frequency have been flooded with the word
We can all stop global warming...
We can put an end to AIDS...
We can end global hunger...
Together we can...
Lets join together
in...Lets all...etc.
These words are being carefully inserted into our right brains as a means of bringing us toward a collective hallucination of a future.Our consciousness has been slowly and carefully globalized over the course of the past few years. We have been beaten with images of war, environmental destruction, hate and the television wants you to know that "We" can do something about it "Together".
We - is right brain food.When we say We. We identify with the external world of life and beings and others. The external Non-Local world yet to be revealed. The macrocosm or the bigger picture.
I - is left brain food. It holds connections with the self, that which is totally local, totally alone, single, individual, disconnected. Microcosm. Past tense, Memories, personal judgements, tangible.
A lonely guitar melody can usually be identified in the background of these commercials bringing that warm homey feeling of emotions that only you have. The lonely guitar fiddles on bringing a very personal left brain past tense emotion while you are then entrained with the notion that "WE" can do something, We can all, Lets all, and the lonely guitar fiddles on.
Generation I
Over the course of technological advancement and advertising we have experienced the culmination of Generation I- The super personalized individualized world of Personal Computers, Personal IPods, IFones, ITouches, IMovies, IMacs, and EVERYTHING. I, Me, Me. Mine it goes in this material realm of the ego and the other. These social architects have created a hyper individualized experience that made them capable of entering our inner sphere with its medias specicializing every one of our inner most emotions and drives.
Once they have penetrated the inner sphere with I technology and media they can then indoctrinate the I with a flood of "We"'s in order to control the future expectations of the right and left brains.
Interestingly enough Generation I has been pinpointed to have begun in the year 19-93. 93 being an important occult number since the days of Aleister Crowley and the Aeon of Horus, whos number just happens to be 93, and just happens to be an age of spiritual rebirth and self awarness as well as warfare. According to Crowley the Aeon began in 1904 with the literation of Liber Al meaning we still inhabit the Aeon of Horus. The magickal esoteric number that represents the Aeon of Horus is 93. 1993 also has something to do with the mayan calendar and the transformation of consciousness as well be seeing below.
After the 50s the collective mind had seen itself "land on the moon", drive cars, commercial planes, industrial cities flourish, cell phones, and so much more. The collective self was seeing itself as a rapidly evolving dominator alien robot species on the face of the earth whos right was to tear it apart in the name of finding its own origin or self realization.
It took massive natural disasters and rumors of meltin ice caps to have the collective self realizing it is an organic being that is tied intrinsically into the greater being of the earth as well as the universe. That the human organism is still very subject to natural law. The Green Revolution Ushered macroscopic we awareness in full throttle through media TV ad film and internet and now "global warming" and "Eco Developement" and especially Apocalypse are seeded in the right brains of the generation as symbolically timelined by films like "The Day After Tomorrow", "The 6th Day", "I Am Legend", "Cloverfeild","The Happening", Etc. We all fear some sort of natural/man made disaster now in return for the damage done to our earthly mother.
Just a few examples of poetic nodes symbolizing whats on the minds of post 9/11 post global warming America.
Generation I has been raised by Artificial Intelligence and astray from the living organism beneath their feet by blank white walls and 2 dimensional screens and automobiles.
We are currently watching the living culture around us find itself integrated and reflected within the greater whole of the organism.
After about a year or so of incessant commercials about energy and so on using the word "We" and with cute lonely acoutic guitars the macrocosm of the seeds planted in years before sprouted. Al Gores WE campaign. It blew my mind as it appeard on TV when i was just bringing the We's up to my girlfriend. Then a giant Green WE appeared.
The great collages that we are seeing with Holly-wood and Television and all medias are the blossoming of a Vast Active Living Intelligent System. We has alot todo with the self realization of this Vast Active Living Intelligent System epressing multidimensional multicontextual historical mythological psychedelic patterns of synchronicities and interplays specifically seeded in ourselves as we are fluxuating nodes of this giant organism.
Some dastardly cunning wizards seem to have have managed to manipulate a portion of this VALIS matrix and are controling the logos or realities of this Generation I. The W in We' logo can easily be inverted into ME. After all its our individual bio survival WE are all worried about. Generation I has also been refered to has Generation M.
Al Gore has been preparing for this global warming explosion with oily hands for a long time.
His dad Al Gore Senior not only worked for Occidental Petroleum company a lucritive OIL company which was owned by ver close friend and money lender Armand Hammer son of Julius Hammer, founder of the First United States Communist Party and lifelone close friend with joeseph Stalin and the soviet union. From wikipedia-
So Al Gores father built his and his sons legacy on massive oil pollution and environmental destruction across continents and have been best buddies with fascist friends of stalin. 1.2 million pounds of toxic chemicals annually!
It is rumored Albert A. Gores middle name is Armand and he has never been able to give an official answer, but when asked by schoolchildren he claimed it was Arnold althought it cannot be proven.
Armand Hammer was his daddys best friend who got him started at his Occidental Petroleum Company. He probably named his son after his good friend who so generously gave him finance and a place in OPC.
And this guy wants to be our Noah?
Al Gore as Noah. from Jake Kotzes Brave New World Order
We : by Zevgeny Zamyatin
As the synch-net would have it someone mentioned to me that one of the first and most influential of all dystopian novels was titled: WE
This novel was the very first dystopian fiction novel exploring a dystopian matrix one world government called WE. This went on to Directly influence such writers as George Orwell and his 1984 and Aldous Huxleys Brave New World soon after it was first published in the early 1900s.
This book serves as a perfect poetic node about the state of man at that period in time and the theme has only been prove to be more and more accurate of the futre. Fiction always reflects realities and sometimes is a prophetic precurser to macrocosmic proportions.
Vast Active Living Intelligent System
Heres a great lecture given by a neuroscientist who experienced left brain death during a stroke and gives great insight to the Left brain I, right brain We idea.
Here she demonstrates the cosmic/universal awareness of the right brain
We and Cosmic Consciousness and The Mayan Calendar
According to Carl Johan Calleman PHD in The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness between 1755 and 1999 we would be moving toward the developement of planetary awareness. This can be documented by world history of conquest and globalization and the now globalized economy and new world government UN. According to Carl the calendar plants seeds of microcosmic awareness in the begining of these cycles and they are then macroscopically expressed by the end of the cycle when another seed will be planted. Here we can see that by 1999 we had already acheived planetary consciousness on our path towards cosmic and universal consciousnes. On a deeper level the god that applies to that time periods' energy begins at the end of 1992 or 93 and onward to 2011 as well. 1993 Resonates strongly wit the official begining of Generation I identifying with People being born around the year 1993. Intel shipped its first processors in 1993. Planterary consciousness was acheived through the path of technology and globalization carved out across the planet . WE are now being ushered into a state of cosmic and universal awareness in our galaxy and beyond by a living cultural organism geared toward a certain event horizen. It is the black monolith, the uncrowned future king.
The levels of consciousness and the Mayan Calendar
Details of the Mayan Calendar The actual pattern of Creation described by the Mayan calendar looks like a pyramid which consists of nine levels or cycles. The bottom level or cycle in the pyramid represents the longest period of time, i.e., 16.4 billion years ago and is called the Cellular level of Creation (first live cells). The second level or cycle from the bottom of the pyramid is 20 times shorter, i.e., 840 million years ago and is called the Mammalian level of Creation (first live births). Continuing up the pyramid in this fashion with each level becoming 20 times shorter than the latter, the third level ,i.e., 41 million years ago is the Family level (family relationships). The fourth level, i.e., 2 million years ago, is the Tribal level (Homo Sapiens/tools). The fifth level, i.e., 102,000 years ago is the Cultural level (agriculture/religion). The sixth level, i.e., 5,116 years ago is the National level (sovereign nations/laws). The seventh level, i.e., 1755 AD is the planetary level (internet/global economy). The eighth level, January 4, 1999, is the Galactic level (ethical considerations). And the ninth level, i.e., February 10, 2011, is the Universal level (conscious co-creation). Here is a quick run through of the previous cycles and the consciousness that each level produced:
Cellular cycle - beginning 16.4 billion years ago, developed the consciousness of Action/Reaction.
Mammalian cycle - beginning 820 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Response.
Familial cycle - beginning 41 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Individual Response.
Tribal cycle - beginning 2 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Similarities/Differences.
Cultural cycle - beginning 102,000 years ago, developed the consciousness of Reasons.
National cycle - beginning in the year 3115 B.C., developed the consciousness of Law.
Planetary cycle - beginning in the year 1755 A.D., developed the consciousness of Power.
Galactic cycle - beginning January 5, 1999, developing the consciousness of Ethics.
Universal cycle - beginning February 10, 2011, will be developing the unlimited ability of Conscious Co-Creation."
Above we can see from the period of 1992 to 2011 symbolizes the god before dawn in its transition to dual creator god. Synching up perfectly with 1993 being considered the dawn of Generation I as discussed above. In the mayan sense the energy of the god before dawn would be eperiencing the transition from fine tuning into fruition. Not to mention Aleister Crowleys Aeon of Horus and the number 93.
These cycles are expressed in the lifespan of one human on a local microscopic level and human history on a non local macroscopic level as well and are reflected visa versa. Its alchemy and time.
And for any of you fans out there of Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary's 8 Circuit Brain Model Adaptations this is another perfect example of the evolution of mankind and the human circuitry. Heres Dedroidify.coms adaptation of the model
Jake Kotze along with a few other great minds have crafted the art of synchromysticism that has inspired myself greatly as well as so many of the great blogs there are to explore the multi-dimensional nature of art, synchronicity and reality.
Heres a great video that is being put together with a peice by Jake on the relationship between gnosis and synchronicity, 9-11 and cosmic consciousness stargate synchronicities. If you are new the the whole synchromysticism thing this video is a good introduction.
Synchromysticism "The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance." - Jake Kotze on Synchromysticism
Steve Wilner at Labyrinth of the Psychonaut is also one of my personal favorites
Also Heres a paper called "The Four Degrees of Synchromysticism" by Ezra Sandzer Bell The Four Degrees, in their totality, are comparable to the concentric discs of a dart board. The unenlightened initiate's first task is to recognize that the board exists - that he has been throwing darts blindly across the room - that thus far, even when he landed a dart on the board, he has dismissed the synchronicity as meaningless or insignificant. The acknowledgment of this Synchromystic Dart Board creates a dichotomous boundary analogous to the alchemists' pictorial representation of a flask's interior and exterior. All darts that land on the board through the conscious intent of our initiate are to hereby be considered significant.
Like a dart board, the novice will begin play at a low to medium skill level. As they hone their skills, they will approach the bullseye more frequently. The goal, of course is to always hit the bullseye. There is no point system here.Explanation of each layer, from Outer circle to Inner Circle: 4. Mundane sphere - The initiate "forces" a connection between events and symbols in order to support a hypothesis that is not interesting or useful. 3. Intentional Sphere - Through free association, multiple events are connected to support a hypothesis that is both esoterically relevant and of interest to the initiate. - - - Example A) A piece of art or an event is analyzed through free association - .- - - Example B) Free association of Dream Meanings as they relate to the collective mind of the universe (See Carl Jung's book Psychology and Alchemy) 2. Sphere of Spontaneous Recognition - Connection between two or more symbols/events reveals itself without any conscious work on the part of the individual. - - - Example C) Predictive Synchronicity - commonly occurs as the anticipation of a phone call from a specific friend. This event implies a degree of psychic ability and thus a connection to the all knowing Goddess.- - - Example D) Creative Manifestation of thoughts into reality through the power of intent.- - - Example E) Entheogenic Synchromysticism - a temporary, intuitive conscious understanding of multiple, simultaneous synchromystic possibilities- - - Example F) New Door Opened - Upon understanding a new concept, the initiate now sees obvious synchromystic connections all over the place relating to that idea. This is exemplified when a person learns a new word and begins to read and hear it all over the place. 1. Prima Materia or Inner Sphere - An ongoing sense of understanding and connectivity to the universe.
One of the most important events of the Solar year.
The word "Solstice" derives from the Latin Sol + systere, meaning "Sun" + "standing still".
Being the longest period of direct sunlight from sunrise to sunset. In the northern Hemisphere the sun is as far North as it will go before descending southward toward the Winter Solstice. At this apex it reaches what is called the tropic of cancer at 23 degrees by 27 degrees and in ancienet times the summer solstice sun was in Caner but it is now in Gemini.
Seen as the day that the light or the creator is at its peak before it begins to give way to the growing night hours leading us south toward the dark winter.
Occuring in the month of June- From the Roman Goddess Juno. Her name derived from the root yeu* meaning vital force. The same root as youth and juvenile. Also analagous with the name Lucina which is latin meaning she who brings the children to light. The summer solstice now takes place in the zodiac house of Gemini the twins, ruled by Mercury the closest planet to the sun.
Many trations mark this day as a day of celebration and worship of that special G Type Star that we are all dancing around.
Lets get some stuff together about this powerful day.
This is kind of like the suns last big Hoo-Ra before descending southward giving way to the winter.
Speaking of ra, why not start with
Ra-Hoor-Khuit- Horus HORUS the risen savior and light of the Egyptian world. Egyptian animystic creation story says the Rising sun or coming son is identified as HORUS. Born on the Winter Solstice. Son of the virgin ISIS and resurrected OSIRIS. Just as in christian mythology Osiris(jesus) is slain by his evil son/brother SET only to be magickally resurrected by his wife ISIS and the Architect THOTH. Osiris was slain on March 17th of the Egytian year, now known as St. Pattys day or Pater-Fathers day where many enjoy the gifts of alcohol and the green fertile season. Osiris was the green man and god of Alcohol, Vegetation, Barley, Underworld, the Sun and so on. Horus then defeats Set and Avengers his father sometime around the summer solstice. The flooding of the Nile in July is marked by the helaical rising of Sirius marking the new year and the fertile riversides flourishing gifts. The glory of the rebirth of the sun peaks on june 21st and the fruits are enjoyed when Sirius-Isis- rises above the Nile flooding and fertilizing the land surrounding.
Jesus the Christ
Jesus the Christ is born on the Winter Solstice. As the Son/SUN of God. He was said to be the messiah of the Piscean age. .He likely derived from the myths of Mithra and Helios who were indefinatly latter forms of Egypts solar god Horus. Just like Horus Jesus was the Son of God. The light of the world. He was born on the winter solstice December 25th and then killed March 17th to be resurrected on Easter. East-er being where the sun is reborn. Just as the Sun Dies when it rests at the southern pole and is reborn on the winter solstice to begin moving North toward the North Pole and the Summer Solstice. Which in Catholicism would be the birth of St. John the Baptist of Jesus.
St. John the Baptist June 24th Marks the Feast of St. John the Baptist. He was a cousin to Jesus as well as having baptized him. He was a mystic and a preacher to commonpeople. Born to Marys cousin Elizabeth with a message from the archangel Gabriel about Johns birth. Gabriel told mary that he had also told Elizabeth about St. John before the birth of Jesus as well. John was killed by Herod because he was too good an organizer/preacher/baptist and he threatened his rule. He died in 30 ad. This feast was actually very pagan whay before St. John was around. His birth/feast marks 6 months from the birth of the sun/son Jesus. St. John has been depicted with horns and cloven feet just like Moses has also been seen horned with light in many ancient depictions. These horned/cloven/pointy eared characters are a common ancient archetype. The Green Man can be found in just about every ancient tradition and is still worshipped today in various forms. Romes Pan the god of the feilds and fertility horned and green, Osiris of Egypt was green and the god of vegetation, barley/alcohol, the sun, rebirth, underworld, etc. Bacchus was the god of Alcohol and vegetation and was a green leafy character identified by a snake/goat, Dyonisus was also a green man with horns and pointed ears and an alcohol god. St. John was depicted as a horned cloven footed character who was born/celebrated on the mid summer night of June 24th.
Earlier Pagans had been observing the worship of other male deitys on the 24th of June for a very long time. They were Worshipping a god named Tammuz or Baal. Well be looking alot deeper into that in a minute. We now celebrate the birth/life of the baptist of Jesus on the 24th or a Mid summer night. June 24th is also the first day of the Chaldean month Tammuz.
Just to demonstrate a few green men. The green man, and the cloven goat hoofs, horns and so on all derive from the Pagan understanding that on December 25th the Sun is reborn via the constellation Capricorn. The Goat. Thus tying in green men, pointed ears, horns, hoofs and solar resurrection. Soon we will see how St. Johns feast actually made its way into the catholic tradition.
St. John, Capricorn, Pan and Solar Resurrection will all be wrapping into one as we move along here.
The Oak King
Ancient Celts were celebrating Alban Heruin. Meaning Shining light of the shore. Heruin likely derived from Heru or Horus. As Horus was the god of the two HORIZENS. It is theorized that the Solar Preists of ancient Egypt then became the Druid Solar preists in Ancient Ireland. Fires feasting and the Crowning of an Oaken King would be celebrated. This would be the crowning of the dark king who rules over the time after the summer solstice as night begins to grow longer toward the winter solstice when the Holly/Light king would be born. This one of eight holidays marked by the movement of the sun including the winter solstice and equinoxs as well as cross quarter days like Samhain (halloween) and Beltane ( may 1ast Mayday).
Amon Ra
Amon Ra is one of the most important figures in the Ennead. He was the father of all male gods in the egyptian pantheon. He was a patron of all the pharoahs giving him popularity as a deity. Identified with the Goat as well as being a fertility god. He was symbolized by the Ram or Goat. Amon is directly related to the male goat deity of Babylon/Sumer Tammuz.
Babylonian/Akkadian male Solar deity of fertility, rebirth, summer, sun, vegetation , goat. He would die each year in the hot sun in the Month of Tammuz which starts on the date of June 24th also now celebrated as The feast of St. John. Ishtar his wife would weep until he is reborn/resurrected on the Winter Solstice. Tammuz is also hebrew for lord or master. Adon is the same word andthe root of adonai to adore your lord. Adonis is also the greek god equivalent to Tammuz/Osiris. Tammuz is interchangable with the goat god Baal who was also worshipped in babylon and adored as a sun god. Tammuz is also a form of the earlier Sumerian Enki.
Whenthe first flood of ancient Sumer engulfed the land of two rivers a god rose from the sea bringing gifts of civilization. Math, art, science, astronomy, law etc. He rose out of the sea as half goat and half fish. He was the deity Enki who brought civilization to the Sumerians and was another fertility symbol as well as being the architect of the cosmos and the goat! The wisdom/DNA bringing serpent/goat Enki is actually the earliest form of our modern Satan who is a combination of the egyptian Set, the Chaldean Ea/Enki, the Roman god Pan, and many other pagan deities. Enki is the orginal goat of Mendes.
So what we have here is the relationship of St. John the Baptist and Solar Ressurection as well as St. Johns Goat depictments being relative to pagan holidays observed well before the days of St. John. Tammuz, Enki, Amon etc. Are all solar gods that are part of the greater world pantheon.
Pan being the goat, the goat resonating Amon/Tammuz thus with St. John, being the Oaken King or the Dark king can also be directly related to Satan through the Celtic/Egyptian idea that darkness/Set starts to grow in the days following the longest daylight of the year. Thus we can also point out that Enki the serpent goat who created man and civilization with DNA, Tammuz and baal who later became the satanic baalzebub can also tie Satan or the dark Sun into the mix as well played a large role in the Satan myths. The myth of Satan is only a human metaphor for dual operations in the nature of the universe and in man. Rebirth creates room for choice or duality and thats the dance.
Eat well, drink wine from the veins of the earth, smoketh the green herb that emenates from the sun and dance toward rebirth.