Friday, May 18, 2012

Help my band release our first Full Length Album for 2012! 25 days left to Donate!

Hey sync family, I am currently running a Kickstarter Fund Drive with my Band "It's Not Night: It's Space" we're a 3 piece instrumental heavy psych rock band and are currently monetarily challenged as we approach recording and releasing our first full length album. We have always been inspired by the Cosmic times we are living in, and as a band synchronicity has informed and interwoven the entirety of this project, continuing to encourage us that we are on the right track. We have been working hard over the past 2 years to create our most inspired and epic sounds yet, and continue to channel the cosmic drama through our music and create spaces to dissolve boundaries and sync into the sound-- but we just dont have the kind of money to create a tangible artifact. Myself and my bandmates would be honored and eternally greatful to have you participate in the creation of this thing, and to have your energy intrinsically inform and allow for this to take place, and in return you will have your very own cd or vinyl copy of what we're releasing together. 

Check out our kickstarter video to get an idea of who we are and what our mission is, and if you are inspired, please join us! And please let me know when yourself or your friends are running their own fund drive. This is a new era in music and culture and we are excited to explore these possibilities. This segment of sincere yet shameless self promotion has come to an end. Peace and love all you beautiful folks. Cheers - KH

1 comment:

  1. The red image of the Pythagorean Tetraktys was lifted from my website without permission or attribution and is, in fact, copyright. At the very least, I would appreciate a link to my site:

    Steve Franklin
