Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Sync Book is Now Available on AmaZOn com!

26 bloggers/writers/artists share their experiences and perspectives on the strange and beautiful universe in which we live. Click Here to Order!

Featuring writers from: The Sync Whole, Reality Sandwich, Etemenanki, The Mask of God, Labyrinth of the Psychonaut, The Stygian Port, Live From The Logosphere, Star Theory, The Patternist, Gosporn, All The Happy Creatures, Kosmos Idikos, Radio8Ball, Constellation Contemplation, Kozmikon, Accidental Alchemist, Libyan Sibyl, A Few Shots To Shaman, Mercury's Messenger, Synchromysticism Forum

Alan Abbadessa-Green + Goro Adachi + Jason Barrera + Douglas Bolles + Peg Carter + Tommy Fulks + Kevin Halcott + Kyle Hunt + Sibyl Hunter + Stefan Jablonski + Jeremy + Andras Jones + Crystal Kanarr + Jon Kidd + Jake Kotze + Neil Kramer + Rammer Martínez Sánchez + Justin Gray Morgan + Will Morgan + Christopher "C" Myers + Eunus Noe + Jennifer Palmer + Jim Sanders+ Michael Schacht + Toure + Steve Willner

Edited by Alan Abbadessa-Green

From the Back Cover

"Nothing in existence is fundamentally divisible or separate. All things and events, even the observer of things and events, are part of an inseparable union. Synchronicity happens when we notice the bleed-through from one seemingly separate thing into another, or when we for a brief moment move beyond the mind's divisions of the world.
Synchromysticism explores this phenomenon - the interpenetration of all things - and seeks to increase the ability to recognize relationships, by relaxing the rigid conceptualization of the world. This inevitably leads to a more joyful and whole everyday experience, as the environment, and person experiencing that environment, become part of a conscious interactive process of Self-Realization."
-Jake Kotze

"To Sync is to mingle with the psychedelic inter-webbing of a collective thought-form lattice work that is learning for the first time how to be a fully telepathic & transcendent network sentience. Sync is the verbal & aesthetic representation of a self aware species that is slowly recombining back into a gigantic source code wave file where the word was created and the first symbol was given it's meaning. Through the mystery of sync we all come closer to one another; closer to home."
-Steve Willner

"By putting all of these articles together, we get a rather comprehensive Theory of Everything; clearly this book will cause the universe to be destroyed and replaced with something even stranger."
-Jason Barrera

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hail to the GOer with UPdates

In "Super" we see Rainn Wilson meditating on his bed while suddenly a crack opens in his ceiling and the Rainbow 'Finger of God' comes in and enlightens him as to his true purpose. I find this beautiful and revealing as we have noted in the above video how Rainns career has brought him in context with symbols like the Rainbow and the White Rabbit.

Rainn Wilson with a Rabbit on his lap after his personal victory in the film "Super". Rainn as we will explore is a Membrane or Stargate resonator, as we thumb through his Career and find that it is interwoven with symbols pointing toward the Stargate, or the Bridge between Spirit and Matter.

Seen below is Rainn(bow) Wilson sporting a Pink Floyd* Dark side of the Moon T-Shirt while calling attention to his student *Noahs'(think biblical Rainbow Promise) drawing of a Sri Yantra Mandala. A Rainbow is created when Light and Water unite at a 42 degree angle, and as it turns out there are exactly 42 Shiva Triangles in the Sri Yantra Mandala. Perfect Sync.

The White Rabbit often symbolizes a connection between our Earthy plane, and some other dimension, sometimes known as the Underworld, Astral Plane, Afterlife, Heaven etc. The Rainbow is another symbol that cultures around the world use to point toward the realm beyond the physical. Both of these symbols are forms from the physical world that point toward the shared reality of the Spiritual and Ethereal dimensions that the worlds cultures have mythologized.

As mentioned in the above video Egyptian mythology holds that the Heavenly Rabbit Constellation, as the Boat to the Duat(Afterlife/Underworld). The Egyptians held that when in the Duat after having followed the Lepus Rabbit, one would meet the 42 Dietys known as the Asscesors of the Dead. The White Rabbit is chased by the Dog Star Sirius, if we look into the Astrology of Sirius it has been known as our 'Spiritual Sun'. We could go so far as to say the earthly Sun supports our physical body and that Sirius does the same on "the Other Side" of the Rainbow, supporting our Spiritual body.

Above is an image of the Antahkarana, the Rainbow Bridge that unites the Spiritual and Physical dimensions. If we pay close attention we realize that our Bodies are Rainbow Bridges when we acknowledge the chosen colors of the Chakras that travel up the spine and even above the head into infinity. One of the most important Chakras/Energy states that we all share outside of our form bodys is the Sirius Chakra aka the Dog Star Chakra.

This brings to mind the Story of the Wizard of Oz. Where Dorothy and her DOG compation Toto go Over the Rainbow Bridge into the Spiritual World.

It is very interesting to note that the Author of the Wizard of Oz - L Frank Baum, as well as Author Alice Bailey were members of the Theosophical Society during the time that Baum was writing the Wizard of Oz.

Alice Bailey at that very same time that Baum was writing Oz, was developing her teachings on connecting to the Spiritual dimension through the Antahkarana Rainbow Bridge teachings she had picked up from Tibetan wisdom. Pretty wacky, can only wonder if the two of them were collaborating ey?

Im working on this post during the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Mega Ritual. This is synhchronistic for me, as somtime in 2009 I realized that one of the only Animal heroes to pass away on that day, was a Dog named Sirius. This gets quite interesting.

In the musical the Wiz we see theTwin Towers central to the Emerald City. The Cube/Sphere Kaaba that is actually present at the center of the Green(eternal)city is now a Cube with the letter Z on it, marking OZ.

Oddly enough the symbol for the Antahkarana is a Cube that perfectly entrains with the OZ Cube/Kaaba as it holds the angled lines that can be perceived as Zs or 7s.

Its very intruiging to note that the Memorial Ceremony for Sirius the 9/11 Dog hero, was placed on that date April 24th 2002 - Thats 4/24/2002 . A Double 42 in there, reminding us of the angle that creates the Rainbow as well as the Assesors of the Dead in the Egyptian Spiritual plane.

Back to Rainn Wilsons connection to all of this, I realized after posting the video that he stars alongside NOAHs twice in his career. Firstly there is the Noah who finds the White Rabbit in the Last Mimzy, recalling the Biblical Noah who gathers all of Earths life onto a Boat before God Floods the Earth, God then shows Noah a Rainbow symbolizing the promise that he would never flood the Earth again. Again the Rainbow/Noah points toward the union of Heaven and Earth.

Steve Carrell who played as NOAH in Evan Almighty stars alongside Rainn Wilson on the TV show The Office.

Steve Carell in the episode "Booze Cruise" proclaims "Im the Captain!" resonating with his role as Noah in Evan Almighty again.

The Cherry on this Mimzy Pie for me, perfectly continuing the White Rabbit/Rainbow/42 sync narrative, is that Roger Waters specifically worked on the Mimzy Soundtrack.

Weve all heard the rumors that Floyd may have tried to SYNC Dark Side of the Moon to The Wizard of Oz. Perfectly tying the Rainbow Prism on the Cover of Darkside, to the Rainbow Bridge/Antahkarana of Oz, and Rainn Wilsons role alongside the White Rabbit in Last Mimzy. These symbols are working together inside and outside of us, giving us sometimes uncosncious wisdom of our connection to the infinite.

At the end of "Super" we see Rain Wilson take out a hand made card of a Rainbow around the Earth. I feel this is more non local confirmation that the Rainbow Bridge between Spirit and Matter is strengthening as we integrate and unite under Cosmic Consciousness.

Id like to end this post with an amazing Snapshot I took just last month. Vodka from the Other Side?! :D

Peace Love and Rainbows be with you Always

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sync reflections on GO Day here in Now Pulse NY

" What are you GOing to do, Christopher Robin, and you say, Oh, nothing, and then you GO and do it.”“Oh, I see,” said Pooh."

KevIndra: On 7/15 or GO fellow syncster Jennifer Palmer of Reality Sandwich and Evolver( @True on twitter) and I held an event here in New Paltz(read:Now Pulse) New York to share our presentations on Sync and the growing inter-connectivity between us and everything in these times of awakening.

On the morning of the event I headed to town to get set for the Potluck dinner and to do some equipment checks. Along the way I ran into a friend of mine who gifted me a Tiger Lilly and wished me good luck with my presentation. This was a beautiful sync for me, as it was just over a year before the GO Day 7/15 Sync event, I was up in Canada meeting Jim(@syncwinnipeg) and Jake(@seallion) for a gathering of syncsters that we called "The Cosmic Ti69er", honouring the Wisdom of Winnie Pooh(named after Winnipeg), 2o1o being the year of the Tig(g)er, the sign of Cancer which is symbolized by 69, 69 resonates double Gs, like the Twin Sun/Double G/69 of the film 2010 the Year we make Contact, the Summer of Love and forefather of sync Robert Anton Wilsons "Cosmic TriGGer Trilogy". I was already starting to feel the days sync ripples bubbling up.

The GO day event, took place at 60 Main street, visually mirroring GO/60, this was a perfect sync, not premeditated at all. Heres a snap I took of the Fan there as I was setting up for the days event.

This perfectly entrains with The 7(G)/15(O) GO date of this particular event and when IT ALL ENDS with the Harry Potter saga.

I noticed a few cool entrainments while preparing for the event. Much of the Sync that I planned to explore in Film a Thin Skin or Membrane video and presentation emphasizes the reality that we are both Spiritual and Physical beings. My presentation highlighted the Rainbow and the mythic Underworld Boat/Merkaba/Chariot as symbolic pointers in our cultures vocabulary to these realities.

This growing spiritual awareness reminds me of the Flood of Honey on the poster for the new Pooh film, it reminded me of the Sea of Nectar of Hindu mythos, the Honey being a symbol of spiritual nectar or Wisdom and Cosmic Consciousness. This also reminds me of the Rainbow that follows the Flood in the Bible, becoming the bond between Heaven and Earth.

Above is a diagram Ive made connecting the GO Date and Poohs Boat/Arc to Cancer or The Chariot, the Astroloical Sign which the 7/15 GO date falls under. According to my newest book on the Tarot, the Chariot/Cancer is a pointer toward the 5th Element of Spirit- the Element also associated with the Action "To GO".

The Chariot, Merkaba, the symbol of our Spiritual Body, the Boat of Assencsion.

The Astrological sign of Cancer(The Chariot/Merkaba) is composed of two smaller constellations known as the Northern and Southern Ass. Cancer is also the House of the Summer Solstice and the Dog Days, where the Most Light does its work upon the Earth.

The Donkey or Ass was ridden by Jesus Christ into the Holy City of Jerusalem. Christ on the Donkey represents the Divinity of the Every-Man/Woman. Donkeys were often only Sold by the rich and upper class of his time, thus the Light/Christ upon the Donkey represents the Asscension of the average person.

Speaking of average looking people being Spiritual guides, I must share one of the wackiest moments of GO day for me. This story is up there with one of the wackiest things ive experienced in fact.

Things got very interesting as I walked to grab my Djembe(hand drum) from the car that was parked just down the block from /Root Cafe. A man on the corner noticed that I had painted a large 42 across the skin of my drum and said "42 aye? you know that number represents what we call god on this planet." I immediatly asked if I could sit down and hear more about this from the gentleman. I asked if he would please further explain and he went on to tell me a truely amazing story.

This fellow "Rick" was a very, and I mean very relaxed, chubby, and wise looking gentlemen. Think the Big Lebowski*(if youve heard about my previous experience with what I beleived to be a "Phooka", this thickens the plot). He was wearing Sunglasses, a cowboy hat, and had long hair coming from the back of his hat. The Big Lebowsky strange attracts with the idea of the Asscension of the average Joe as mentioned above. Anyway, I asked, so what do you mean about God and 42?(this guy had no idea I was about to show my Membrane video about the #42 at a cafe a block away in just 2 hours.) Rick went on to tell me that he works with ETs, and that this developed during his 20+ years in computer engineering, and that he receives his work telepathically from beings that work with planet Earth on many levels. He said specifically, that when he was working as an engineer, he sat in silence with his computers and technology for long enough that he began to hear intelligences that were informing him how to engineer. He also told me that he and I could speak telepathically, through what he called our Nunies(he pronounced it Noonies). Oddly he then just gave me a smile and we locked gazes for a moment, and either by true Nunie talk or law of attraction, I realized that in that moment we locked eyes he was saying "you see were doing exactly that, see?" and I somewhat jokingly replied "Yes indeed" aloud. Rick proceeded to verbally inform me that the #42 is the main symbol or code, that represents the all penetrating intergalactic intelligence.

Rick went on saying that it is a supercomputer in one sense, and it can best be described as the thing which e call "God" on Earth. He emphasized that the #42 was important on planet Earth right now because we are needing of further Contact* and technology to evolve on the planet and move away from suffering and exploitation. He informed me that 42 is a symbol for the infinite network of the ET plan(the Plan-E.t.). Rick said Earth holds for us a future with no paper money, no nations, but a larger sustainable economy that will be in constant economic trade with the other planetary systems both physically and telepathically, and that 42 is the symbol or code that unites this whole infinite consciousness network.

I was pretty blown away at this point, knowing that this man had no idea who I was, telling me that the number I was about to share 40 minutes of synchronicity/media about, was the code for the Spiritual/ET Consciousness network in the Galaxy. I then told him that I was going to be showing a film on exactly that number at the Coffee shop, and he told me that he wouldnt be there, but he'd be there and talk to me after it. I must say that on 7/15 or GO day, I woke up with my heart chakra bursting, I had a great feeling of strength, confidence, and courage that I acknowledged even in the way I felt while walking around. This fello Rick told me that humanity had good things coming and he said "You can let go of all those doubts and live in that confidence and courage". I kept on chatting and was releived when my good friend and bandmate walked upon our conversation and over heard some of Ricks talk about Space commerce being under way, as I wasnt sure anyone would beleive me about this fellow.

I knew I was soon to meet Jennifer palmer for the first time, so I told Rick that it was a pleasure to meet him, and that I must run but hope to see him around. I walked up the block and immediately told my drummer I just had a serious sync, we looked back and Rick was gone. I alsked Amanda -one of the owners of /Root cafe- if she knew Rick who talked to ETs, and she said she did, that he was a local guy, kind, but out there. I thus cannot consider Rick a real "Phooka", as in some kind of subjective potential hallucination or collection of personally relevant symbolic insight. He was certainly the Phooka or trickster that can manifest before us in everything and anything for sure. This fellow has been around town and such for a while already so I plan asking him if I can film an interview as soon as possible. All of this, is the real deal to me, and this happened on 7/15 - GO Day, when "IT ALL ENDS", my first public Synchromysticism video presentation, and when we aligned with the Tao of Pooh . I couldnt make up a story this wacky, I promise you haha. The only way I could stop my brain from being sync shocked was to let go and just GO with it all ;) haha.

After some equipment checkups at the cafe it was time to meet and greet Jennifer for the first time!

Just as me and Jennifer (@True) met up in town we passed by a flyer for local band Snow Bear(Oso Blanco) and the Twin Rabbit ears, these were perfectly timed for my White Rabbit/Phooka flavored film showing. As explored in my video the White Rabbit in many instances is a pointer toward the mysterious path of self knowledge and non-physical dimensions.

See my video here for more about the White Rabbit.

After I showed my 3 part video Jennifers talk synced perfectly into resonance with the flavor of the video and the intentions of the evening. Check out here written peice below.

Heres a snap of Jennifer giving her awsome lecture "Radical Interdependence and Online Telepathy".

Jennifers literature from Reality Sandwhich participated in the Rainbow Aura of the Nights proceedings.

After the presentations my band Its Not Night: Its Space played a special improv set, where the remaining attendees of the film showing joined in on a collective raga jam out with lots of shakersand howling under the full moon, it felt like a perfect way to end a night of great presentations and discussions together.

After the event lovely staff of Slash Root Cafe(Where plants and grassroots technology come together) closed up shop and offered us some local mountain harvested high altitude tea. We followed the White Rabbit and made it to the Tea-4-2 party in Wonderland. Some really great follow up discussion and proper synchronicity continued through the night.

GO day was over, we closed up shop at 60 Main or GO Main riding the high vibes of the night.

The next morning Jennifer(@True), Peg(@Pegchandler) and I (@indradhanush42) all headed to the Organic cafe that I work at for some coffee. Upon exiting we shared a giGGle over the Rabbits and Rainbows in close proximity.

. This popped up in town right at the same time as my talk which highlighted the 42 and 23 Sync history. A a funny flyer for a local Harvest festival held by 423 productions here in the Hudson Valley.

While randomly looking for NASA samples to use during my bands set for the evening I synchronistically came up with this search item and used it during our set.

Honey Suckle is GO July 2011 Nasa

the GO days coincided with the Dog Days of Summer.

July 23rd when Sirius rises before the Sun has been declared Robert Anton Wilson Day by a California Mayor. Robert Anton Wilson is a Sync Saint and most definately a forefather of the movement.

Some Dog Day sync was fresh in my mind on July 23rd 2011 when unfortunatly Amy Winehouse passed away. RIP.

Her first albums art and title Synchromystically can be associated with Sirius, the Dog Star, the White Rabbit and #42 via her album Frank(Donnie Darkos Rabbit) and her Album cover featuring a two DogS(tars) one hidden, just like the Sirius system, Sirius A being the brightest star in the night sky, and Sirius B being one of the densest but also invisible to the naked eye.

Happ Year of the Rabbit Whole

Peace Love and Wholey Asscension with all <3 - KevIndra

Friday, June 17, 2011

Asspiring unto the Crown-Churninrg the Ocean of Nectar

The Flood of Honey, the Churning of the Ocean of Nectar. The seas of Spirit are stirring!

Oz is over Flowing.

Levees break in Kansas City(Oz=Kansas=Heartland=Heart Chakra)

Mother Mary Momma Universe is about to ride the Donkey. Symbolic of the Summer Solstice when Momma Universe(as received by earth) rides the Sun/Son in the sign of Cancer the Crab.

Gamma Cancri is a star system in the constellation Cancer. It has the traditional name Asellus Borealis (Latin for "northern donkey colt").

The Light/Christ also rides the Donkey into the Holy City of Jerusalem. We are all Angels riding Asses back into our own Holy Kingdom.

Asspiring unto the North/throNe

Asspiring Northward/throNeward is aspiring unto the Crown

ASScension is underway and we are headed UP. That is to say Northward/Throneward.

The North is generally identified with the Heavens or the Throne/Home of the Gods, the Eternal world of Spirit. The Northernmost part of planet Earth is inhabited by Penguins.

In Kabbala the Crown of the Tree of Life - Kether - is considered to rule over the Northernmost aspects of the starry heavens.

Kether the Crown is where totality rests is in its unmanifested state. The Fool Tarot Trump is the first expression or thought in Gods mind to create anything and become manifest. All the Aces of the Tarot are given to the Sphere of Kether. Ace Ventura, the Adventure to Heaven.

The Fool Tarot Trump is given to the First Path of Creation as it Joyfully bursts from the Unmanifested Sphere of Kether GOing towards the manifested state. The Fool connects Kether- the Crown to Chokmah-Wisdom. Joy,Comedy, Lunacy, Laughter, Madness, and senselessness/trance are connected with the nature of this Trump/Aspect of our Soul.

This card is numbered 0, this is perfect as the Fool represents the primary beginings of every-thing, that is everything in its shared state of becoming. This primary state or first premises of all eternity- is the Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle of co-creation of reality through Love. Aleister Crowley noted said this about the Holy Joy of the Fool.

The Fool is also deeply rooted in the Green Man/Holy Madman of Spring. Aleister Crowley makes this association clear in the Book of Thoth.
The "Green Man" of the Spring Festival. "April Fool." The Holy Ghost.
"This tradition represents the original idea adapted to the under- standing of the average peasant. The Green Man is a personification of the mysterious influence that produces the phenomena of spring. It is hard to say why it should be so, but it is so: there is a connection with the ideas of irresponsibility, of wantonness, of idealization, of romance, of starry dreaming."

The Fool stirs within all of us at the return of Spring, and be cause we are a little bewildered, a little embarrassed, it has been thought a salutary custom to externalise the subconscious impulse by ceremonial means."

"The connection between foolishness and holiness is traditional. It is no sneer that the family nitwit had better go into the church. In the East the madman is believed to be "possessed", a holy man or prophet. So deep is this identity that it is actually embedded in the language. "Silly" means empty-the Vacuum of Air-Zero-"the silly buckets on the deck". And the word is from the German selig, holy, blessed. It is the innocence of the Fool which most strongly characterizes him. " - Crowley, Book of Thoth

The Fool in us and the Tarot Comes before all as the 0 or primary state of being but when we are KKlimbing and returning to Heaven from Earth, the Fool is the final/Northernmost Card and Path in our Journey from the bottom of the tree as we approach Heaven/Godhead.

Being that Jim Carrey is a strong resonator of the first premises Fool/Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle, it is perfect we see him arising alongside Penguins which are beings that live in the northernmost TIP of the Planet.

In Bruce Almighty we see Jim Carrey, the Fool, having returned to norTh/Throne of the Eart learning how to Co-Create with God. This is about our remembering of our Soul-Nature, that is beyond form, time, and all other conditions. When culture resonates with the Fool/throNe/North this is a beautiful sign of our return to Heaven, Starhood - Godhood. Were all getting our Thrones and Crowns back.

Green Man Jim Carrey at the North Pole as the Grinch

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return."
- Aleister Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"Each human being is an element of the cosmos, self-determined and supreme, co-equal with all other gods"
- Aleister Crowley, The Law is for All

JC as a resonator of Fool Consciousness arriving back at the Northern Throne with the Penguins is a beautiful narrative of our return home to Soul/Star consciousness.

I realized while Skyping with Jim @syncwinnnipeg about my first ever Synchromysticism presentation here in NY on July 15th, that this was a GO date, and resonator of Cosmic Ti69er and Hunny/ and PO(First father)oh Bear. Jim informd me that 7=G and 15=O making 7/15 spelling GO! This is the date that everything GOes UP.

I later realized that I booked my event at /Root Cafe which is at 60 Main Street New Paltz. 60 looks just like the word GO too.

When we ask ourselves who is telling who to GO, we realize that all begins and ends with US, and we acknowledge our C0-Creative union with everything.

The Spirit of the Stars known to Thelemites as Hadit once said via Crowley-

"I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star."

"Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that GO"
Hadit is symbolized by a Red Dot which reminds me of the single Jupiterian Red Eye/Red Dot/Balloon on the poster for the new Winnie the Pooh Movie. GO and 50 entraining with KeaNeo reeves in Speed, alongside Dennis Hopper who is also in Easy Rider. By seas of Hunny do do we receive the Flood and return to Heaven.

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return.
" - Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have"

Only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down the walls, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak forgotten language
I fall in the sea but forget how to swim

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

But only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down nepal, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak defeated language
I fall in the street as I howl at the moon

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

Love- Kevin

The Flood of Honey, the Churning of the Ocean of Nectar. The seas of Spirit are stirring!

Oz is over Flowing.

Levees break in Kansas City(Oz=Kansas=Heartland=Heart Chakra)

Mother Mary Momma Universe is about to ride the Donkey. Symbolic of the Summer Solstice when Momma Universe(as received by earth) rides the Sun/Son in the sign of Cancer the Crab.

Gamma Cancri is a star system in the constellation Cancer. It has the traditional name Asellus Borealis (Latin for "northern donkey colt").

The Messiah also rides the Donkey into the Holy City of Jerusalem. We are all becoming our own messiahs, getting on our Donkeys on the road to Divinity, returning to our Holy Cities/Sacred Understanding of our reality.

Asspiring unto the North/throNe

Asspiring Northward/throNeward is aspiring unto the Crown

ASScension is underway and we are headed UP. That is to say Northward/Throneward.

The North is generally identified with the Heavens or the Throne/Home of the Gods, the Eternal world of Spirit. The Northernmost part of planet Earth is inhabited by Penguins.

In Kabbala the Crown of the Tree of Life - Kether - is considered to rule over the Northernmost aspects of the starry heavens.

Kether the Crown is where totality rests is in its unmanifested state. The Fool Tarot Trump is the first expression or thought in Gods mind to create anything and become manifest. All the Aces of the Tarot are given to the Sphere of Kether. Ace Ventura, the Adventure to Heaven.

The Fool Tarot Trump is given to the First Path of Creation as it Joyfully bursts from the Unmanifested Sphere of Kether GOing towards the manifested state. The Fool connects Kether- the Crown to Chokmah-Wisdom. Joy,Comedy, Lunacy, Laughter, Madness, and senselessness/trance are connected with the nature of this Trump/Aspect of our Soul.

This card is numbered 0, this is perfect as the Fool represents the primary beginings of every-thing, that is everything in its shared state of becoming. This primary state or first premises of all eternity- is the Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle of co-creation of reality through Love. Aleister Crowley noted said this about the Holy Joy of the Fool.

The Fool is also deeply rooted in the Green Man/Holy Madman of Spring. Aleister Crowley makes this association clear in the Book of Thoth.
The "Green Man" of the Spring Festival. "April Fool." The Holy Ghost.
"This tradition represents the original idea adapted to the under- standing of the average peasant. The Green Man is a personification of the mysterious influence that produces the phenomena of spring. It is hard to say why it should be so, but it is so: there is a connection with the ideas of irresponsibility, of wantonness, of idealization, of romance, of starry dreaming."

The Fool stirs within all of us at the return of Spring, and be cause we are a little bewildered, a little embarrassed, it has been thought a salutary custom to externalise the subconscious impulse by ceremonial means."

"The connection between foolishness and holiness is traditional. It is no sneer that the family nitwit had better go into the church. In the East the madman is believed to be "possessed", a holy man or prophet. So deep is this identity that it is actually embedded in the language. "Silly" means empty-the Vacuum of Air-Zero-"the silly buckets on the deck". And the word is from the German selig, holy, blessed. It is the innocence of the Fool which most strongly characterizes him. " - Crowley, Book of Thoth

The Fool in us and the Tarot Comes before all as the 0 or primary state of being but when we are KKlimbing and returning to Heaven from Earth, the Fool is the final/Northernmost Card and Path in our Journey from the bottom of the tree as we approach Heaven/Godhead.

Being that Jim Carrey is a strong resonator of the first premises Fool/Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle, it is perfect we see him arising alongside Penguins which are beings that live in the northernmost TIP of the Planet.

In Bruce Almighty we see Jim Carrey, the Fool, having returned to norTh/Throne of the Eart learning how to Co-Create with God. This is about our remembering of our Soul-Nature, that is beyond form, time, and all other conditions. When culture resonates with the Fool/throNe/North this is a beautiful sign of our return to Heaven, Starhood - Godhood. Were all getting our Thrones and Crowns back.

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return."
- Aleister Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"Each human being is an element of the cosmos, self-determined and supreme, co-equal with all other gods"
- Aleister Crowley, The Law is for All

JC as a resonator of Fool Consciousness arriving back at the Northern Throne with the Penguins is a beautiful narrative of our return home to Soul/Star consciousness.

I realized while Skyping with Jim @syncwinnnipeg about my first ever Synchromysticism presentation here in NY on July 15th, that this was a GO date, and resonator of Cosmic Ti69er and Hunny/ and PO(First father)oh Bear. Jim informd me that 7=G and 15=O making 7/15 spelling GO! This is the date that everything GOes UP.

I later realized that I booked my event at /Root Cafe which is at 60 Main Street New Paltz. 60 looks just like the word GO too.

When we ask ourselves who is telling who to GO, we realize that all begins and ends with US, and we acknowledge our C0-Creative union with everything.

Crowley was once in a foolish trance, and let the deity Hadit-who is understood to represent the Star in all of us speak through himself.

"I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star."

"Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that GO"
Hadit is symbolized by a Red Dot which reminds me of the single Jupiterian Red Eye/Red Dot/Balloon on the poster for the new Winnie the Pooh Movie. GO and 50 entraining with KeaNeo reeves in Speed, alongside Dennis Hopper who is also in Easy Rider. By seas of Hunny do do we receive the Flood and return to Heaven.

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return.
" - Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have"

Only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down the walls, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak forgotten language
I fall in the sea but forget how to swim

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

But only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down nepal, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak defeated language
I fall in the street as I howl at the moon

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

Love- Kevin