Friday, June 17, 2011

Asspiring unto the Crown-Churninrg the Ocean of Nectar

The Flood of Honey, the Churning of the Ocean of Nectar. The seas of Spirit are stirring!

Oz is over Flowing.

Levees break in Kansas City(Oz=Kansas=Heartland=Heart Chakra)

Mother Mary Momma Universe is about to ride the Donkey. Symbolic of the Summer Solstice when Momma Universe(as received by earth) rides the Sun/Son in the sign of Cancer the Crab.

Gamma Cancri is a star system in the constellation Cancer. It has the traditional name Asellus Borealis (Latin for "northern donkey colt").

The Light/Christ also rides the Donkey into the Holy City of Jerusalem. We are all Angels riding Asses back into our own Holy Kingdom.

Asspiring unto the North/throNe

Asspiring Northward/throNeward is aspiring unto the Crown

ASScension is underway and we are headed UP. That is to say Northward/Throneward.

The North is generally identified with the Heavens or the Throne/Home of the Gods, the Eternal world of Spirit. The Northernmost part of planet Earth is inhabited by Penguins.

In Kabbala the Crown of the Tree of Life - Kether - is considered to rule over the Northernmost aspects of the starry heavens.

Kether the Crown is where totality rests is in its unmanifested state. The Fool Tarot Trump is the first expression or thought in Gods mind to create anything and become manifest. All the Aces of the Tarot are given to the Sphere of Kether. Ace Ventura, the Adventure to Heaven.

The Fool Tarot Trump is given to the First Path of Creation as it Joyfully bursts from the Unmanifested Sphere of Kether GOing towards the manifested state. The Fool connects Kether- the Crown to Chokmah-Wisdom. Joy,Comedy, Lunacy, Laughter, Madness, and senselessness/trance are connected with the nature of this Trump/Aspect of our Soul.

This card is numbered 0, this is perfect as the Fool represents the primary beginings of every-thing, that is everything in its shared state of becoming. This primary state or first premises of all eternity- is the Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle of co-creation of reality through Love. Aleister Crowley noted said this about the Holy Joy of the Fool.

The Fool is also deeply rooted in the Green Man/Holy Madman of Spring. Aleister Crowley makes this association clear in the Book of Thoth.
The "Green Man" of the Spring Festival. "April Fool." The Holy Ghost.
"This tradition represents the original idea adapted to the under- standing of the average peasant. The Green Man is a personification of the mysterious influence that produces the phenomena of spring. It is hard to say why it should be so, but it is so: there is a connection with the ideas of irresponsibility, of wantonness, of idealization, of romance, of starry dreaming."

The Fool stirs within all of us at the return of Spring, and be cause we are a little bewildered, a little embarrassed, it has been thought a salutary custom to externalise the subconscious impulse by ceremonial means."

"The connection between foolishness and holiness is traditional. It is no sneer that the family nitwit had better go into the church. In the East the madman is believed to be "possessed", a holy man or prophet. So deep is this identity that it is actually embedded in the language. "Silly" means empty-the Vacuum of Air-Zero-"the silly buckets on the deck". And the word is from the German selig, holy, blessed. It is the innocence of the Fool which most strongly characterizes him. " - Crowley, Book of Thoth

The Fool in us and the Tarot Comes before all as the 0 or primary state of being but when we are KKlimbing and returning to Heaven from Earth, the Fool is the final/Northernmost Card and Path in our Journey from the bottom of the tree as we approach Heaven/Godhead.

Being that Jim Carrey is a strong resonator of the first premises Fool/Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle, it is perfect we see him arising alongside Penguins which are beings that live in the northernmost TIP of the Planet.

In Bruce Almighty we see Jim Carrey, the Fool, having returned to norTh/Throne of the Eart learning how to Co-Create with God. This is about our remembering of our Soul-Nature, that is beyond form, time, and all other conditions. When culture resonates with the Fool/throNe/North this is a beautiful sign of our return to Heaven, Starhood - Godhood. Were all getting our Thrones and Crowns back.

Green Man Jim Carrey at the North Pole as the Grinch

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return."
- Aleister Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"Each human being is an element of the cosmos, self-determined and supreme, co-equal with all other gods"
- Aleister Crowley, The Law is for All

JC as a resonator of Fool Consciousness arriving back at the Northern Throne with the Penguins is a beautiful narrative of our return home to Soul/Star consciousness.

I realized while Skyping with Jim @syncwinnnipeg about my first ever Synchromysticism presentation here in NY on July 15th, that this was a GO date, and resonator of Cosmic Ti69er and Hunny/ and PO(First father)oh Bear. Jim informd me that 7=G and 15=O making 7/15 spelling GO! This is the date that everything GOes UP.

I later realized that I booked my event at /Root Cafe which is at 60 Main Street New Paltz. 60 looks just like the word GO too.

When we ask ourselves who is telling who to GO, we realize that all begins and ends with US, and we acknowledge our C0-Creative union with everything.

The Spirit of the Stars known to Thelemites as Hadit once said via Crowley-

"I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star."

"Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that GO"
Hadit is symbolized by a Red Dot which reminds me of the single Jupiterian Red Eye/Red Dot/Balloon on the poster for the new Winnie the Pooh Movie. GO and 50 entraining with KeaNeo reeves in Speed, alongside Dennis Hopper who is also in Easy Rider. By seas of Hunny do do we receive the Flood and return to Heaven.

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return.
" - Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have"

Only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down the walls, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak forgotten language
I fall in the sea but forget how to swim

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

But only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down nepal, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak defeated language
I fall in the street as I howl at the moon

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

Love- Kevin

The Flood of Honey, the Churning of the Ocean of Nectar. The seas of Spirit are stirring!

Oz is over Flowing.

Levees break in Kansas City(Oz=Kansas=Heartland=Heart Chakra)

Mother Mary Momma Universe is about to ride the Donkey. Symbolic of the Summer Solstice when Momma Universe(as received by earth) rides the Sun/Son in the sign of Cancer the Crab.

Gamma Cancri is a star system in the constellation Cancer. It has the traditional name Asellus Borealis (Latin for "northern donkey colt").

The Messiah also rides the Donkey into the Holy City of Jerusalem. We are all becoming our own messiahs, getting on our Donkeys on the road to Divinity, returning to our Holy Cities/Sacred Understanding of our reality.

Asspiring unto the North/throNe

Asspiring Northward/throNeward is aspiring unto the Crown

ASScension is underway and we are headed UP. That is to say Northward/Throneward.

The North is generally identified with the Heavens or the Throne/Home of the Gods, the Eternal world of Spirit. The Northernmost part of planet Earth is inhabited by Penguins.

In Kabbala the Crown of the Tree of Life - Kether - is considered to rule over the Northernmost aspects of the starry heavens.

Kether the Crown is where totality rests is in its unmanifested state. The Fool Tarot Trump is the first expression or thought in Gods mind to create anything and become manifest. All the Aces of the Tarot are given to the Sphere of Kether. Ace Ventura, the Adventure to Heaven.

The Fool Tarot Trump is given to the First Path of Creation as it Joyfully bursts from the Unmanifested Sphere of Kether GOing towards the manifested state. The Fool connects Kether- the Crown to Chokmah-Wisdom. Joy,Comedy, Lunacy, Laughter, Madness, and senselessness/trance are connected with the nature of this Trump/Aspect of our Soul.

This card is numbered 0, this is perfect as the Fool represents the primary beginings of every-thing, that is everything in its shared state of becoming. This primary state or first premises of all eternity- is the Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle of co-creation of reality through Love. Aleister Crowley noted said this about the Holy Joy of the Fool.

The Fool is also deeply rooted in the Green Man/Holy Madman of Spring. Aleister Crowley makes this association clear in the Book of Thoth.
The "Green Man" of the Spring Festival. "April Fool." The Holy Ghost.
"This tradition represents the original idea adapted to the under- standing of the average peasant. The Green Man is a personification of the mysterious influence that produces the phenomena of spring. It is hard to say why it should be so, but it is so: there is a connection with the ideas of irresponsibility, of wantonness, of idealization, of romance, of starry dreaming."

The Fool stirs within all of us at the return of Spring, and be cause we are a little bewildered, a little embarrassed, it has been thought a salutary custom to externalise the subconscious impulse by ceremonial means."

"The connection between foolishness and holiness is traditional. It is no sneer that the family nitwit had better go into the church. In the East the madman is believed to be "possessed", a holy man or prophet. So deep is this identity that it is actually embedded in the language. "Silly" means empty-the Vacuum of Air-Zero-"the silly buckets on the deck". And the word is from the German selig, holy, blessed. It is the innocence of the Fool which most strongly characterizes him. " - Crowley, Book of Thoth

The Fool in us and the Tarot Comes before all as the 0 or primary state of being but when we are KKlimbing and returning to Heaven from Earth, the Fool is the final/Northernmost Card and Path in our Journey from the bottom of the tree as we approach Heaven/Godhead.

Being that Jim Carrey is a strong resonator of the first premises Fool/Joy/Comedy/Cosmic giGGle, it is perfect we see him arising alongside Penguins which are beings that live in the northernmost TIP of the Planet.

In Bruce Almighty we see Jim Carrey, the Fool, having returned to norTh/Throne of the Eart learning how to Co-Create with God. This is about our remembering of our Soul-Nature, that is beyond form, time, and all other conditions. When culture resonates with the Fool/throNe/North this is a beautiful sign of our return to Heaven, Starhood - Godhood. Were all getting our Thrones and Crowns back.

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return."
- Aleister Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"Each human being is an element of the cosmos, self-determined and supreme, co-equal with all other gods"
- Aleister Crowley, The Law is for All

JC as a resonator of Fool Consciousness arriving back at the Northern Throne with the Penguins is a beautiful narrative of our return home to Soul/Star consciousness.

I realized while Skyping with Jim @syncwinnnipeg about my first ever Synchromysticism presentation here in NY on July 15th, that this was a GO date, and resonator of Cosmic Ti69er and Hunny/ and PO(First father)oh Bear. Jim informd me that 7=G and 15=O making 7/15 spelling GO! This is the date that everything GOes UP.

I later realized that I booked my event at /Root Cafe which is at 60 Main Street New Paltz. 60 looks just like the word GO too.

When we ask ourselves who is telling who to GO, we realize that all begins and ends with US, and we acknowledge our C0-Creative union with everything.

Crowley was once in a foolish trance, and let the deity Hadit-who is understood to represent the Star in all of us speak through himself.

"I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star."

"Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that GO"
Hadit is symbolized by a Red Dot which reminds me of the single Jupiterian Red Eye/Red Dot/Balloon on the poster for the new Winnie the Pooh Movie. GO and 50 entraining with KeaNeo reeves in Speed, alongside Dennis Hopper who is also in Easy Rider. By seas of Hunny do do we receive the Flood and return to Heaven.

"THE FOOL is the negative issuing into manifestation; THE UNIVERSE is that manifestation, its purpose accomplished, ready to return.
" - Crowley, the Book of Thoth

"When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have"

Only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down the walls, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak forgotten language
I fall in the sea but forget how to swim

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

But only time will tell if I'll allow
The scenery around to eat me alive

I want to sleep for weeks like a dog at her feet
Even though I know it won't work out in the long run
So I burn down nepal, breathe like a shadow
Those arms I once knew hold me like ghosts
I learn how to speak defeated language
I fall in the street as I howl at the moon

When anything that's anything becomes nothing that's everything
And nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have

Love- Kevin


  1. Great. I really dig the Crowley quotes on this one. I like the Winnie the Pooh vibes floating around right now, makes me feel young .. foolish even. ;) Thanks for the link to the Van Helsing Boombox song .. real cool.

  2. Carey was (inspired by?) a Discordian when he was young, that's why he knows how well to be a fool, given their lineage, and the 23's, o course.

  3. I love Carey is divine works perfect
