Monday, April 11, 2011

BeastBoy A Synchromystic look at Ron Perlmans Beastly Aura(93rd post!)

BeastBoy - A Synchromystic short about Ron Perlmans Beastly Aura from Kephera on Vimeo.

Synchromysticism has been defined as the "Art of attributing dynamic context to space time phenomena allowing for new patterns and context to arise". This video will be using Synchromysticism to explore the rich career of Ron Perlman, and how he as a Star seems to have an Aura connectin him to Beasts and the Devil. Ron Perlman is a unique star who allows us to encounter an archetype that exists in our world, our myths and ourselves. Perlmans career has an Aura of playing a Beast striving to be more, this is also the narrative of humanitys evolution unfolding.

This happens to be my 93rd post, and pertains to The Great Beast. A Great Beast named Aleister Crowley sucessfully transmitted Book of the Law, and declared the New Aeon 107 years ago to the weekend that I posted this 93rd post.

Do What Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love Under Will. 93

Peace in and out.

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