Monday, February 28, 2011

MJ Midnight Madness and HeartBerryFields- New Short Videos

Greetings BroStars and SiStars, two new short videos to share :)

Here is a fun new Synchromystic short I put together featuring the Moon, Michael J Fox and Michael Jackson. Enjoy

HeartBerry Fields - featuring Jim Sturgess


  1. Hi Kevin! I loved the first're approach to "synching" which I percieve as "seeing" is so fun and refreshing! I am now "seeing/imaging" all the media oriented videos I love in a new light! We are so lucky to have you, like Madonnas Lucky Star. Keep up the good work brother!

  2. also..."reflecting" is another way I would describe the experience :)

  3. Hey Kevin,

    "Stellar" work as usual...looking forward to the next one already!

    Sun Zoo
