Saturday, April 4, 2009

Video Project #2- Lets do the Time Warp Again- Obama, Saturn and Uranus and the Aquarian Transition

Untitled from Kephera on Vimeo.

My 2nd Video project collecting media contexts relative to the Aquarian planetary oppositions of Saturn and Uranus throughout history, The Mayan Calendars 6th Day of Flowering and the Dark 5th Knight, focusing on the current Aquarian opposition and Barack Obama, Yes Man, The Dark Knight, etc. Music by Rocky Horror Picture Show, 5th Dimension and ISIS. Be very well, stay divine all


  1. Love it!

    The Hanged Man and the crucified savior/JC are ONE and the same. JC/Jim Carrey as both Fool and Hanged Man is supremely susynct.

    Later G8or

  2. OOhh-can't wait to see it!! I am a bit -what do they call it -Rube Goldberg-I think here-I have to connect my puter speakers with an extension cord when I want to listen to something I have so much stuff connected to one outlet-I am sure it will be wonderful-love your blog and best to you!!

  3. Kevin, that was very well put together. The first half had me reeling a bit...I haven't scene RHPS, but then you got the fool moving and I was all ears. I feel that watching this stuff IS a separate animation we make in our real time. Making these videos turns on a sense of alchemy. And what could be more fun than to show the universe in action. Each mind running at a different frequency. But in this realm of thought we are allowed make a 'video formula' and speed up or slow down the process for anyone who wants to see these things.

    I think I run on 60 hertz. Hopefully I experience the upgrade.

    Thanks for the upgrade...
